House of Ultengaard

A relatively new house by Farrock standards the House of Ultengaard rose out of the ashes of Tull's revolt against the Dragon King. The people of Dordell sought to find a way to distance themselves from the strife that defined Farrock without becoming subjects of another tyrant like the Dragon King. Their solution came in the form of a man named Baylon Ultengaard. In the chaos of the collapsing Dragon King's Empire, Ultengaard successfully marshaled an army of commoners to cut off the King's retreat north, they managed to hold his legion at the mouth of the northern plains until Tull warriors arrived in force to slaughter the King's retreating legion and capture the fleeing tyrant. As reward the newly anointed High King of Farrock granted lordship of Dordell to Baylon and named him a hero of Farrock. Baylon set about establishing a great assembly hall where the people would muster to make decisions for their home just as they had on that fateful day against the Dragon King. With house Ultengaard sworn to uphold and protect the will of the people above all else.


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