Kerma Kresh Character in Ur | World Anvil

Kerma Kresh

A warrior in The Order of Valor, Kerma is a decorated half-orc knight. While her sister joined up with the Imperial Legion like their parents wanted, Kerma sought wealth and glory. To those ends Kerma joined The Order. She campaigned in Bomac against rebels under contract with the Empire, at one point being sent to rescue a squad of legionaries that included her sister. She's also guarded merchant vessels from Kli'ir as they ran off a pirate blockade in the golden puddle. She recently decided to head to the north in the Farwinter hold of Farrock where the Empire was offering hazard rates to provide security in the only region of the province not policed by the legion.
  She recently came into possession of a magical greatsword following an encounter with the Goliath Fighter Thrain.


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