Likos Settlement in Ur | World Anvil



Likos is an extremely diverse city. Serving as the largest port in the central province of Heartrock and as an Imperial Legion garrison it sees countless people from all walks of life pass through its walls. Though it is often overshadowed by the far larger city of Holdstone found in the center of the province.


The city of Likos is technically run by the Imperial Legion commander stationed within the city. Though in practice the legion cares little for managing the city aside from policing it. They are largely in the pocket of the local chapter of the Merchant's Guild and citizen of Likos know that coin is king in their city.

Industry & Trade

Most inhabitants of Likos either work for the Imperial Legion, the Merchant's Guild, the Imperial Trading Company or for one of the independent ship captains based out of Likos. It is a city of commerce first and foremost and most of the city is party to that.


Likos is home to a natural cove and within it, the largest port in the Heartrock province.


Castle Likos

An imposing fortification sitting atop the highest hill in the city. In older days this housed the Lord of Likos but it's been decades since anyone has held that title. It currently houses the second largest garrison of the Imperial Legion in Heartrock.  


Contains seafairing vessels and portage for large scale seafairing trade. Nestled at the bottom of rather large cliffs in a natural cove that protects ships in port from storms. The Imperial Trading Company has a post down by the docks, their largest outside of their headquarters at Wyvern's Will.  

Residential District

Homes dot the cliffs above the above the port with the wealthiest homes securely within city walls with a gradual decline into poverty as homes get closer to the docks.  


Vendors of all kinds converge on Likos and have shops and stalls in the plaza. Some notable businesses:  
Likos Chapter of the Merchant's Guild
This chapter of the Merchant's Guild is particularly free to do as they please. As such corruption and racketeering are commonplace in Likos. Making Likos an exceptionally popular place to find goods you can't get at most reputable retailers, their motto may as well be "I know a guy".  
The Trampled Mare Tavern
A popular watering hole for all manner of person. Merchants, miscreants, soldiers or adventurers are welcome all the same. It's not the safest or the cleanest but everyone in town respects the need for a place to drown their sorrows free from worry so generally patrons will meet aggression with hostility.

Natural Resources

Fish from the sea is the primary natural product of Likos.


  • Likos
    The city of Likos and the surrounding region
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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