Oberton Wrax Character in Ur | World Anvil

Oberton Wrax

Nephew of the Likos Merchant's Guild leader Karus Wrax. Oberton is a centurion in the Imperial Legion and a fast rising member of the legion at that. Oberton was sent to the northern part of Farrock in Farwinter Hold with a full century to help retrieve an iron shipment ordered by Legate Tymol.
  Oberton is seen by many as a spoiled brat. His uncle's considerable finances combined with his family's influence is seen as the reason for his rise. While there's some truth to his name bringing him into the officers' corp of the legion, his subsequent rise is due to much more than nepotism. While he can be difficult to work with, his shrewd planning and diplomacy mean he often is able to parlay even unfavorable situations into wins. As such Tymol brought him into his legion to act as a politician in armor.


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