The Guild of Independent Adventurers Organization in Ur | World Anvil

The Guild of Independent Adventurers

The GIA is a loose collective of adventurers throughout Allrock headquartered in the city of Holdstone. All sorts of organizations contract with the guild when seeking assistance in accomplishing goals out in the wilds. The guild in turn offers these contracts to their associates who can join in them in exchange for a cut of the proceeds. Though often these contracts aren't the most lucrative as the guild is often seen as an "amateur's league" by denizens of Allrock. While contracting with more specialized guilds or directly with mercenary captains is seen as a higher quality investment.


Loose alliance of adventurers, most don't give any thought to the beuracracy that handles contracts. Who runs this anyways?

Public Agenda

Adventure for glory!


Guild halls in some major cities across Allrock


The GIA was founded by the adventuring party of the halfling Ser Gerhard Morrymountbattendom as a way for them to convey their knowledge and love of adventure to future generations. It served as an opportunity for wayward souls looking for their lot in the world to explore and gain employment without a need to swear themselves to one of the warring factions of the day

ingressi ad gloriam

Founding Date
7th Era Year 692
Guild, Adventuring


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