The Shadow Hand Organization in Ur | World Anvil

The Shadow Hand

The Shadow Hand is the intelligence and covert operations arm of The Empire. They handle everything from deep cover intelligence gathering in rebel cells to covert assassination on behalf of the Emperor. They are a dangerous force as much as they are a boogeyman meant to elicit fear, everyone is aware of them but few truly understand their place in the world.
  They exist outside of the Legion, swearing direct fealty to The Empire and its leader. As such while they often cooperate with the Legion they certainly are no strangers to internal tension. There were rumblings in the Shadow Hand that they were investigating Tymol's role in the Brimstone Keep revolt. These rumors were halted and any possible investigation was dropped when Tymol was named as the Supreme Legatus of the Imperial Legion.
  With the secession of Pact provinces a decade later most of the Hand's resources have had to restructure around gathering intelligence in the new rival state. This has seen renewed cooperation between the Legion and the Hand, increasingly blurring the divisions between the two. With the Shadow Hand operating paramilitary divisions of their own and embedding their own operatives in command tents across the Legion their ranks have increasingly taken on a pro-Legion bend.


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