Quelling Rebellion

Diplomatic action

Saturday, January 7, 2147

Team 8 visits the gnomes, mushrooms and gnolls. They help the gnolls avoid war.

VISITING DAHISH Team 8 visits the gnomes. They spend time eating and being social. Spend a few hours there before going to the mushroom village.   VISITING WHITE CAP VILLAGE Team 8 agrees to share in the Rapport. A few hours are spent in the Rapport. They agree to collect cinder petals for Canna. Ricky spent time carousing with the Mushrooms and made three allied contacts. (MOSSY SOFT STEP, MOREL GREENFOOT and TOAD RED STEM)   VISITING TIGER MOUNTAIN CAVES Gnara presented Avitus with the magic items he commissioned her to make. Ishka then mimics this by presenting Avitus a small pack of jelly beans in a scrap of fabric. Diana does research into buying Ishka jelly beans in bulk. Jelly beans were ordered online.   Team 8 met with Mirogoh Gnasher. They made the agreement to include him in the planning to invade the Draco Estate. Mirogoh Gnasher gives them a month to have plan. He stated that if this deadline isn't kept he will engage in an attack himself. It is also agreed that Ebonie will be an equal target during the attack. He gave them a earring of sending to contact him with. Deadline 2/4/2147

Related Location
Gnoll Caves
Related Species
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