Guardian Sphere Vehicle in Urbûn | World Anvil
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Guardian Sphere

The six-legged Guardian Sphere, created by the Taloni long ago, is designed to pilot their larger Battlefield Guardian counterparts and to gather inteligence.They are the second most common type of the Guardian. They are meant to keep locations of importance secure and acted as autonomous keepers of ancient lessons or valuable information for the taloni. Additionally the served as repair drones, keeping the massive machines in working condition, even long after the Taloni Collapse. This might explain why they and most machinery in Taloni ruins still remains functional and operational, unlike the rest of the Guardians. Upon death it is possible to scavenge them for khardialite-crystalls. The characteristics of crystall depends on the clarity, cut, carat, luster, rarity, hardness and its element The tell-tale clinking of a Dwarven spider's metal legs on the floor can give away when one is nearby.

Power Generation

Khalanite-crystall Dynamo Core serves as the Guardian's power source, similar to a battery. They are power crystals created using ancient Taloni technology which were used as power sources for other types of ancient Taloni machinery. The internal gyroscopic propulsion system was self-correcting, and surface sensors on the spherical body allowed the Guardian to travel across uneven environments such as deserts, with the benefit of its shell being sealed from dust contamination


The Guardians sphere has two primary prolsion systems: It boasts an propulsion system with suction tips on its for climbing that allows for lateral and vertical movement that gradually increases to a maximum of 25 kph in any single direction.   Lateral movement is provided by mechanical legs enforced with hydraulic joits that propel the Guardian along the ground at a top speed of 25 kph.   For areas that proved too difficult for the Guardians to traverse, they were equipped with compressed grappling cables in the legs, with suction tips that can grip walls, allowing it to swing without hitting the ground or it could tether and reel the Guardian in to hard-to-reach spots.

Communication Tools & Systems

Transmitter and receiver crystalls extended from the top of the head, and data ports were located above a band of stainless inoxium girding the bottom of the dome. The head could be dislodged from the body given significant force, but could quickly reattach itself with the magnetic caster


The Guardian's domed head was composed of a lightweight cranial frame featuring a large, round primary photoreceptor and a smaller articulated holoprojector array. The Guardian's sensors featured advanced calibrated synthetic optics.