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Kythos Aeryze

Kythos Aeryze (a.k.a. Kram)

"Name's Kythos Aeryze. Like mythos but with a K, thought it made it cooler soundin' >:3" Hailing from Icewood Vale, Kythos is (or was, rather) the terror within the forest. After years of burglary, B&E, robbery, and more with his barbarian clan, the law had finally caught up to him. After several years of atonement, Kythos was released and is now on the path of reformation. Even though the need for chaos still courses through his veins, he's willing to work within the hero academy's rules as long as he gets to punch stuff and get paid for it.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

  • Fairly round but not fat (like a strongman)
  • Sturdy but slim legs, thicc boi arms
  • Somewhat roughed up and scarred (mostly due to his own self-negligence)

Body Features

  • Ram-like legs
  • Protective rune on his belly (mark of his tribe)
  • Nasty thick claws

Facial Features

  • Golden, goat-like eyes
  • Small beard
  • THICC eyebrows
  • Small pomp haircut
  • Snaggle tooth

Identifying Characteristics

  • Ram-like horns (scuffed)
  • Long, classic tief tail (for yoinkin things)

Physical quirks

  • Missing tooth in front
  • Scuffs on his horns and hands

Special abilities

  • He can miraculously bounce back after beating the crap out of his own head for hours

Apparel & Accessories

  • Handmade wool cape with 3 sheep heads on the back (dw, they're fake)
  • Lucky Kilt (hates leaving home without it)
  • Few rings (all stolen, claims he bought them)

Specialized Equipment

  • He looks kinda like a sheep all together

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • Has mild beef with the law for "personal reasons"
  • Only plays by the rules because they'd let him go after proving he has a good nature and won't harm anyone else
  • Despite his nature, he hasn't killed anyone on purpose (his clan just takes what they need, migrate, rinse and repeat)

Gender Identity

  • Identifies as "a menace"
  • he/him


  • Doesn't really give a shit, he'll just follow his gut (or... y'know)
  • Is pretty open about being unlabeled though (in a comedic sense ofc)


  • NONE LMAO (not in a school, that is)
  • His tribe taught him the basics since he was born into it (how to steal, use his horns, etc)
  • Only legal education received is through the hero academy


  • Student

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Was one of the strongest tieflings in his tribe in his younger days
  • Has caused a record amount of fires in ONE town
  • Once saved a child (his clan avoids killing, just forceful scavenging)

Failures & Embarrassments

  • When his horn chipped once, he slipped on the chips and slammed face first into a tree (he tries to keep mindful about his horns now)
  • He doesn't HUGELY feel embarassment due to being too stupid for his own good (it will happen very rarely tho)

Mental Trauma

  • His first kill: As he was pillaging, one of the victims decided to attack back. Kythos's horns weren't fully curled back yet so, when he went to ram the victim, they tried to push his head down further to deflect it. Sadly, this didn't stop Kythos, as his strength was enough to push back against the victim, goring his on his horns in the stomach. Kythos didn't want to kill him, he just wanted his stuff. Though the memory doesn't hurt, it still somewhat urks him when he thinks of the person's limp corpse hanging from his head and dripping down his face.

Intellectual Characteristics

  • His extreme lack of intellect
  • The lack of any intelligence with a overflowing amount of bravado often leads to crafty but stupid solutions

Morality & Philosophy

  • "If it ain't bolted down, it's his. If it is bolted down, it's a target"
  • Can AND will take what he can if he finds value in it, regardless of its ACTUAL value (definitely has a rock and teeth collection bc of this)
  • Will constantly attempt to break things to fashion into temporary weapons


  • Always break the enemy's legs, so when they die, their soul will suffer as they climb to their afterlife
  • If you didn't break anything, you didn't do anything
  • NEVER back down from a fight BUT choose your battles wisely
  • If you can't get out, don't go in (more for literal situations bc horns)

"You don't bug me and I don't break ya toys-slash-bones, GOT IT?!" A barbarian simply trying to start anew after paying for his past, Kythos just wants to go unbothered & learn how to beat people up within the laws' bounds

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
Early Spring (date unknown)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
140 lbs
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Abyssal

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