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Nova Beanana

Nova Beanana

Their name is Nova. When her cat companion, Midnight, crosses your path, pick a God and pray. They are not far behind

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Nova has a toned body; not super muscular, not overly thin. They are very flexible and likes to climb trees.

Body Features

They are very flexible and limber. But probably the most shocking are the constellations that litter her body that can glow

Facial Features

With very long white hair that can cover a lot of her face, the one thing the really stands out is her emerald, green eyes

Identifying Characteristics

They have extremely long white hair. The front hair is pulled back into a braid that drips down their back.

Physical quirks

When emotional, the constellations on her body start to light up. When muscles are super strained, that constellations in that area start to light up.

Special abilities

Dark Vision Speak with animals

Apparel & Accessories

Nova wears a binder and tends to wear slightly looser clothes, so they don't restrict their movements. When it comes to formal clothes, they don't like things that are too bulky or that make them stand out. They try to keep most of their body covered because the constellations

Specialized Equipment

Nova specialized is the stars, planets, and pretty much all things astronomy. She is a very fast learner

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nova was born to a poor family, but after seeing the markings on "her body", the royal family took "her" away from her family. The royal family were the ones who named "her" Nova. They kept "her" away from the outside world so "she" can spend every day of "her" life learning everything they need to know about ruling the kingdom. One maid and one butler were the only two who really tried to get to know "her" and began to actually call "her" what "she" wanted to be called, They. The three of them became very close, talking about abstract nothings and teaching her things that others would not because they weren't necessary for running a kingdom. Nova began to attend meetings with officials from other kingdoms, but as they sat there and listened to what they considered extreme stupidity, they were wondering why they were even in charge. They were thinking that there shouldn't just be one group of people in charge; that it should be a majority instead of one family. They shared this with their only friends, but unfortunately another butler heard, and they tried to lock them away again. Lucky for Nova, they had friends, and they set them on their way with food, a bow and arrows, another outfit, and a bunch of rope. Nova, brokenhearted for having to leave their friends and thankful for their help, they set off on their own, fully being outside of any control for the first time in life.

Gender Identity

Nova goes by They/Them They are biologically female


They have never thought about doing that kind of thing with anyone, so they don't know what it would be


They have a master's in business, and a secret masters (2 courses from PhD) in astrology


Currently unemployed

Accomplishments & Achievements

They have stayed alive for 15 years on their own straight from getting everything done for them

Failures & Embarrassments

They are a very light sleeper, so a lot of times they are very tired and have run into trees and fallen out of them

Mental Trauma

Being told what to do and not having a way out makes them really stressed and upset. Being forced to stay inside for long periods of time makes them feel trapped and they get twitchy and start scratching. They hate being a part of meetings or being the leader or having to come up with ideas for things to do for a group

Intellectual Characteristics

Nova is surprisingly very smart and is a fast learner. They know all of the math and knowledge that it would take to run a country. Their best subjects are math, science, and p.e.

Morality & Philosophy

If it is for your survival, go for it. If it is for pleasure, think about it, then do it. If it will destroy other people or you try to make yourself all powerful, Kill it. They don't have any issue with killing, but makes sure that there is a valid reason before doing it


Talk of their past makes them upset, so when that talk begins, they leave the area

Personality Characteristics


Their main motivation is just to be free. They want to be able live the way that they want because so much of their life was taken away because they had to get ready to be a ruler

Savvies & Ineptitudes

They are not good at making friends, being social under normal circumstances, dealing with other people's emotions, and things of that nature.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Animals Being cold Natural colors Space Dislikes: People Unnatural foods Hates inside Hates patriarchy

Virtues & Personality perks

They are good with anything to do with the cosmos. They can use the stars to map where to go at night and use where the sun is in the sky to tell which way to go and what time it is. With the constellations on their body, they can make them glow so there is no need to worry if someone if afraid of the dark because they know how to make them glow

Vices & Personality flaws

Rummers! Good: she is the protector of the forest, hunting those that try to harm it Bad: back home, she was too free thinking and asked too many questions about why they were the ones on charge and not anyone else, causing her to be the black sheep and too "outside for the royal family". Seeing Midnight will spill the end for you, as she is never too far behind Halftrue: they prefer to be outside because they get claustrophobic inside. (It's not fully claustrophobia, it's more of just a terrible, burning unease) True: the constellations on her body are a part of a "gift", and it is a rarity in her bloodline. She has a talent for knowing about celestial bodies and is a fast learner False: That she will sacrifice herself for others She has no social graces

Personality Quirks

When they get overly upset or has been inside for too long, they begin to scratch themselves. This is involuntary and most of the time Midnight tries to jump into their arms so they will stop. Midnight tends to wrap itself around their neck like a scarf, so when they aren't there, Nova will pull their bag closer to their neck to try to simulate something being there. When mapping the stars, they will put their hand up like you are supposed to, but while calculating, they will open and close their fingers


They like to make sure they at least look presentable and would often bathe in a stream to make sure they didn't smell too bad because smell can blow your cover


Contacts & Relations

They ran away from home due to the hatred of the patriarchy, and while they fend off and run from all of the attempts to bring her back home, they try to keep their distance from people (that's why Midnight shows up first) They do have a great friend in one of the maids and one of the butlers and gave Nova the courage to leave and find who they are as a person. They used to write to them in the beginning, but eventually had to stop, which made her very upset

Family Ties

Even though Nova left the entire family behind, they continue to send out beings to try to bring her back alive, by any means necessary. The reason is only because they have the constellations, meanings they are supposed to be a great ruler

Religious Views

They do not believe in any divinitie

Social Aptitude

Nova is very good in formal events and meetings, but tends to fail in casual conversation


Nova has kept the training that she was forced to endure so she can participate in formal meetings with other kingdom, so they could use it at any time, meaning they can be incredibly high class if they wanted to. Ket term; if. Every other time, they go around like an ordinary dude, talking trash about people and doing what is necessary to survive. They refuse to sleep on a bed, instead looking for a tree to climb because they have found that to be more comfortable. They also tend to hide around corners or just out of view so they won't get spotted, meaning they really enjoy the high ground.

Hobbies & Pets

Past: Tabby Cat named Orion Blanc De Termonde Rabbit named Crystal Emperor Fairywren named Comet Current: A black Geoffery's cat names Midnight


When in a regular setting, they actually tend to stay quiet and just react to what is happening around them. When they do talk, it is minimal, casual, and with an air of sarcasm (most of the time unintentionally) When in a "royal setting" all of this is thrown out the window. Very calm, cool, collected, eloquent, and elegant, they make sure their voice is heard in this setting by any means necessary, even if they need to drop the class a bit.

Wealth & Financial state

Nova was incredibly rich and powerful, but once she left, she lost all of that. Most of her stuff now comes from stealing who have had the misfortune of crossing her path, or from bribes to let them walk away

"When a black cat crosses your path, you get 7 years of bad luck."

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Home: The Luminary of the Stars Princess of the Galaxy Supernova   Forest: Protector of the Forest Silent Assassin Shadow of the Cat
Date of Birth
March 20th
Current Residence
The Vale of Mist
Non- Binary (Bio-female)
Emerald Green
Incredibly long (like past back), White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slightly tanned
Quotes & Catchphrases
"So... This is the hill you want to die on?" (Pulling back arrow) "Time to pick a God" "What do you think, Midnight?"
Known Languages
Common Elvish Sylvan

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