Isyn Character in Urina | World Anvil
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Isyn is the god of trickery and the embodiment of pure evil. Isyn takes and takes and takes, and when they are done taking they revel in the absolute chaos that they have caused. They are so evil that they purposefully cause infighting within their own church just because they find it funny. They're just a bitch.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An open-mouthed black mamba, accentuating the coffin shape

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Thousands of years ago, two lover gods known as "Contrast" created the god Xodur as the embodiment of pure good and the god Isyn as the embodiment of pure evil. To balance out their entities of good and evil, Contrast created the god Ezmos as their arbiter. Then came Koros as the embodiment of love, Akaris and Uddite as the two sides of war, Ruvas and Siros as the gods of pleasure and leisure, and Siien as the god of secrecy and poetic justice. After Siien was created, Contrast disappeared and left Ezmos as the overgod.
Divine Classification
White with snake-like pupils
Black, floor length
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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