Lord Hian Amascient Character in Urina | World Anvil
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Lord Hian Amascient

Lord Hian Amascient

Lord Hian Amascient is the lord of the province of Amascient and a member of the roundtable. He is also the older brother of Rosala Amascient, a student from the previous graduating class. Hian made an appearance during Rosala's spawn quest.


Contacts & Relations

Rosala (younger sister): Hian and Rosala are as close as siblings can be. A situation involving the previous Lord Amascient forced Hian to raise Rosala himself. Rosala refers to him as "Hi-hi". Currently, Rosala is struggling to feel like Hian could accept her after she was forcibly turned by Vael.   Vael (former friend): Hian currently holds no respect for Vael whatsoever considering that he laid his hands on Rosala. They used to be in an adventuring party together with Dyatlov and three other people before Vael's true nature was revealed and the party unsuccessfully attempted to kill Vael and Dyatlov.   Dyatlov (former friend): Hian has an understanding that Vael is incredibly egotistic and misses a lot of details, but that Dyatlov is the one who truly enables Vael's evil deeds. Hian believes Vael would be harmless if not for Dyatlov's wit, and for that he despises him.
Current Location
City of Casturg
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Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of the Province of Amascient
Date of Birth
30th of July, 1052 AD
City of Casturg
Golden blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned with freckles

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