Barzan (Bar-zan)

The Barzans were an intelligent humanoid species native to the planet Barzan II.  


As of the 24th century the Barzan were still independent but had close relationships with the Federation and participated in scientific exchanges with many Federation members.  


Barzans had pairs of subtle ridges on their eyebrows and foreheads. Their blood was black in color. When leaving their homeworld, they relied on augmentation in the form of a breather that provided them with the gases found in the toxic atmosphere of Barzan II. When outside their native atmosphere, their eyes changed color.  

Society & Culture

The Barzans were a resource-poor species, dependent on others for generations. In terms of technology, they were only moderately advanced, and did not have manned space travel. The poverty of the Barzanian species was woven into their culture, with the expectation that each sacrificed for the needs of their family. Barzans were also known for their diligence. The Barzans were governed by the Barzanian Planetary Republic, which was headed by a premier.