
The Benzites were a warp-capable humanoid species from the Alpha Quadrant. They were native to the Federation planet Benzar.  


Benzite contact with the Federation was limited prior to the 24th century, but by 2364, contact had widened. As a prelude toward Benzar joining the Federation officer exchange programs were initiated, allowing Starfleet officers to serve on Benzite ships and vice versa, in order to promote better understanding of the different cultures, regulations, and behaviors. Shortly afterwards Benzites began enrolling at Starfleet Academy.   In 2374, during the Dominion War, Benzar was captured by Dominion and Cardassian forces. It was later liberated by Romulans, acting as part of the Federation Alliance.


Benzites are often shorter and physically weaker than the average Humanoid, but not exclusively. Their bodies are similar to animal skin, protected by a smooth, chitinous covering that ranges in color from purplish-blue with tan streaks, to green-blue, to dusky, pale blue with glistening silver undertones. They squint to guard their eyes and to improve their vision. The head is bald and smooth and possesses a prominent, fleshy nasal lobe and brow. Two catfish-like barbells protrude from the region above the upper lip, another extends from each side of the nasal lobe; the Benzites refer to these barbells as "whiskers". A Benzite’s ears are positioned high on the skull, and rise into points. Their hands feature two opposable thumbs, one on each side of the palm, with three fingers situated in between. Webbing may connect the fingers to a limited extent, in some individuals.   Benzites breathe in a gas heavy in chlorine, which is exhaled in the form of carbon trichloride. The gaseous mixture also contains essential mineral salts and a lot of moisture. Benzites traditionally wore an artificial breathing apparatus, a form of vaporizer, when off of Benzar. They could survive without it for a limited time, but prolonged exposure to standard class-M atmospheres resulted in lung damage that would eventually prove fatal.   In 2372, genetic re-sequencing techniques allowed most Benzites to overcome this disadvantage, and the vaporizers are no longer necessary, although it should be noted some Benzites refused the re-sequencing and still utilize them.   The Benzite's forced adaptation to high levels of atmospheric toxicity gives them a hardiness beyond their build and a potent resistance to most poisons. A Benzite is capable of digesting a wide range of substances inedible to most species, but out of politeness, most limit themselves to the default menu choices of the non-Benzites with whom they live and work.   Benzite blood is based on mercury and platinum; it takes the form of a thick orange liquid when oxidized.   A Benzite’s average body temperature is several degrees lower than that of a Human or a Vulcan.   Benzite cellular growth patterns are unique; apparently a consequence of their engineered biology, although ironically this quirk of their physiology appears to be the result of tampering by the Benzites themselves, not their Forebears. Following the horrors of the Organ Wars, Benzite scientists altered their race’s genome to prevent organs from other people being implanted into an individual. This means it is now impossible to successfully transplant organs into an injured Benzite. There was little Doctor Julian Bashir could do to save the life of the Benzite Monyodin when his alveoli were liquefied by a polymer gas in April 2376.  

Society & Culture

Benzites were highly meticulous, a characteristic that was reflected in their regulations, one of which stated that no officer on a Benzite ship is to report any unexplained occurrence without providing a full analysis and solution.   Benzites are highly competitive, preferring to work alone in order to claim credit when they achieve an objective. They find failure deeply shameful, and may conceal the results of their work until they are sure they are right. They prefer to act rather than react. Thoroughness is a high virtue. Things that can be measured are good. Tightly defined, exacting processes breed success. Benzites working among other races must work to downplay these traits if they want to fit in effectively. Still, many Benzites respond to any and all contests with fanatic zeal, going all-out to win any available awards. Benzite Starfleet officers, as a rule, hunger for commendations, medals, and positive performance ratings.   Most Benzites are followers of a combination of philosophical teachings and statistical calculus collectively known as The Doctrine of Andragov, for the famous Benzite statesman who developed it. Using this doctrine, they list their personal objectives, both long and short term, on a regular basis, and rate themselves using a scoring system that calculates their level of success or failure. Their philosophy is almost an efficiency manual. This emphasis on measurable achievement should not be construed as a lack of emotion; Benzites care passionately about their scores and how they compare to those of other people.