
The Bolians were a humanoid species who were native to the planet Bolarus IX.  


Bolian history is fairly standard for an Alpha sector humanoid species. It had a troubled history of war and conflict and by the time they had achieved spaceflight there were three major nation states. Around 2127 the Bolians completed their first warp drive test which drew the attention of two warring neighboring species showed up: the Iren and the Uzor. Both were locked into conflict and petitioned the Bolians to join their side with one major nation joining each and the third remaining neutral. Pressure started building for each side to declare war on the other and bring the Iren-Uzor war to Bolarus however in 2252 the Bolians made first contact with the Federation.   The Bolians quickly banded together and petitioned to join the Federation, preventing war from breaking out on their planet and pushing away their warring neighbors.   


Bolians were distinctively known for a bifurcating (cartilaginous) ridge running vertically along the center of the head and face, and partway down the chest. Skin color ranged from light green-blue to blue-gray to vivid blue and was occasionally accented with dark blue bands on the head. Their blood is cobalt-based and all of their bodily fluids are slightly corrosive which can cause minor to moderate discomfort to other species during intimate relations. 

Society & Culture

Typically Bolians were gregarious, hardworking, and meticulous. They enjoyed cooperation and work group dynamics. Bolians work well in professions that privilege group cooperation and group effort; every branch of starship service suits their desire for teamwork and structure. Bolians also make good merchants, scientists, and soldiers. Bolians enjoy diplomacy and some of them are quite good at it. Bolian nationalists have occasionally joined criminal gangs such as the Orion Syndicate—they make good rogues in those cases.   Some Bolians practice polyandrous marriages. When more than one male is involved in such a relationship, they are known as co-husbands.