
The Bynars are a warp-capable humanoid species originating on the planet Bynaus in the Beta Magellan system. The  


Approximately one million years ago, they were genetically engineered by an advanced species of artificial intelligence (AI) as laborers. However, over the millennia, the Bynars' ancestors evolved, becoming more sophisticated. A pacific revolution ensued, leading to a violent confrontation, and the organics, the Bynars, prevailed. Forced to study and understand the technology maintaining their environment, the Bynars formed pairs, believing that working in groups provided better chances of survival in case of a catastrophe. By 2153, the Bynars had adopted the practice of replacing a newborn's parietal lobe with a synaptic processor, enhancing their ability to constantly receive and store information.   The initial encounter between Bynars and Humans took place in the mid-22nd century, around the year 2153. The Bynars begun exploring their neighboring regions and they made contact with the Enterprise NX-01. First contact went peacefully and diplomatic relations were established. In 2265 after over a century of trade and research agreements, the Bynars joined the Federation.  


Bynars are shorter than most humanoids, genderless, and distinguishable by their lilac-colored skin and enlarged skulls. They undergo a unique physiological process at birth, where a surgeon replaces the parietal lobe with a synaptic processor, making them interconnected with a master computer on Bynaus. Always operating in pairs, Bynars exhibit a high degree of physical symmetry between partners, including matching ears on opposite sides of their heads.   Their language and thought patterns have evolved to be as close to binary code as possible, emphasizing their deep connection to the master computer. Bynars can speak English, finishing each other's sentences, but their primary language is a high-frequency sound unintelligible to humans. Equipped with buffers to manage information transfer, they carry metallic components on their heads with blinking lights, facilitating communication between pairs.   Between their cybernetic implants and cultural history, Bynars have an extreme affinity for computers and technology and most develop careers in engineering, operations, or scientific research.  

Society & Culture

Bynars have evolved into a civilization fully integrated into their planet's computer network. Born in pairs, they are genetically bonded for life. If one of the pair dies, the surviving Bynar traditionally returns to Bynaus, where they are paired with another. Their unique identification code is removed from the computer network if they choose not to return. Their lives depend on constant interaction with the master computer and each other.   Logic and order are held in very high regard and things like entertainment and law are highly mathmatical. Legal sentences are determined based on hundreds of input variables, music is produced via algorithms, and even their literature reads more like logic tables than prose.