
The Caitians were a species of felinoids native to Cait, or as they called it, Ferasa.  


The Caitians made first contact with the Orions and the Ferengi early in the 23rd century. They met Federation  ships for the first time in 2249. Good relations with the Federation quickly followed and by 2251 they applied for full membership.


Caitians were a bipedal species, with height comparable to Humans, and feature a thick orange mane, a tail, and large golden eyes which gave them excellent night vision. Their fur ranged in color from tan to reddish-tan. They also had excellent hearing with a frequency range beyond that of most humanoids which made them ideal candidates for communications officers. Caitian voices often resembled the purring of Terran cats.  

Society & Culture

Caitians had a reputation for being one of the most cooperative and intelligent members of the Federation. Caitian culture emphasized a love of beauty and a focus on personal loyalty. Loyalty, both within the individual and between individuals, was highly prized by all Caitians. The interlocking individual and clan relationships that existing in their society were the main cause of this focus on loyalty. Most Caitians preferred a vegetarian diet and were not carnivorous. The Caitians were fierce warriors when so called upon, but pride themselves on their accomplishments in arts and philosophy rather than on the martial arts. Their family units are extremely close.