
The Daliwakans were a humanoid species native to Daliwaka in the Beta Quadrant. By 2378 they were a warp-capable civilization and member of the Federation.  


The history of the Daliwakan species traces back to the ancient days of the Beta Quadrant, a region teeming with interstellar civilizations. Their homeworld, Daliwaka, nestled amidst a cluster of shimmering stars, witnessed the emergence of an advanced and culturally rich society. Their early pre-warp history is rife with the traditional technological leaps and conflicts indicitive to most other humanoid species however they did place a heavier empahsis on music and auditory research than their contemporaries. Several hundred years before their development of warp-drives they produced Harmonis Resonance Engines that allowed interplanetary flight by harnessing vibrations at the quantum level. While slow and ultimately inefficient compared to warp-drives it allowed them to colonize their home system far earlier than humans.   In 2301 the Dawliwakans developed warp-drive technology and were approached by the Federation and by 2319 they were adopted into the Federation as a member state.  


Like many humanoid species in the galaxy, Daliwakans share many genetic similarities with other humanoid species tracing their genetic routes back to the Ancient Humanoids that seeded life all across the galaxy. They most noticable difference is their forehead ridges but the most distinct biological difference between them and humans is they have far more precise and sensitive hearing allowing them to detect noises that are inaudible to most other species.  

Society & Culture

Daliwaka is ruled over by a Grand Council where elected leaders from regions all around the planet come together to decide on large scale projects and diplomacy for Daliwaka. Daliwakans are known for their love of music and have many festivals, with one of the most important being the Harmonic Convergence Festival that celebrates the unification of the Daliwakan people.