
Denebians were a space-faring species from the planet Deneb V in the Alpha Quadrant.  


Denebians achieved warp capable status around 2259 and in that same year they applied for and were admitted into as Federation members.


Denebians were humanoid, on average standing slightly shorter than a typical Human. Denebians evolved from a subterranean species and although they became surface dwellers thousands of years ago their eyes still contain vestigial traces of bioluminescent bacteria. This confers upon Denebians true night vision allowing them to see dimly even in complete darkness. Under normal illumination this creates a bluish glow from their eyes.  

Society & Culture

Denebians overall had a relatively peaceful history focused on science and the arts instead of war and conflict. They unified under a plantary government early on and were able to colonize a neighboring M-Class Planet Deneb II hundreds of years before they achieved warp capable travel.