
The Edosians are a warp-capable reptillian race from the planet Edos.  


The Edosians have a long-standing, loose alliance with the Federation, dating back to their earliest contact. While not commonly found in Starfleet, some Edosians have served, showcasing their adaptability. Overall their species has demonstrated peaceful co-existence and their pre-warp history is not rife with war and conflict typically seen in other species history. It is their concern about being drawn into war that has held them back from becoming full-fledged Federation members. Instead they have open borders with Federation ships and an expedited process of moving from Edos to the Federation and vice versa.  


Edosians have a humanoid form with three arms, three legs, and three fingers on each hand, often referred to as "hand-toes." Despite their relatively slender build, Edosians are remarkably strong, capable of breaking objects with a single blow. They have the ability to emit a guttural roar when angered. Notably, they are long-lived, surpassing even Vulcans in lifespan. Edosians exhibit an intriguing capability where, with practice, they can allocate sections of their brain to each arm, allowing for independent and nearly fully focused operation.  

Society & Culture

The culture of Edosians is characterized by inner reflection, meticulousness in maintaining historical records, and a strong emphasis on genealogy. Edosians can trace their family lines back thousands of years, reflecting their commitment to preserving their heritage. Edosian society has a particular focus on equality, with no class distinctions. The society's architectural style is functional rather than aesthetically pleasing. Edosians have a reputation for being peaceful beings, and their culture values various gods. While it is not uncommon for Edosians to serve in Starfleet, it remains a rare occurrence. The planet Edos itself is warm, humid, and tropical, boasting abundant natural resources, including considerable amounts of minerals. Edos is renowned for its wines, which are highly prized by collectors and connoisseurs throughout Federation space and beyond.