
The Efrosians were a sentient, humanoid species, whose homeworld was a member of the United Federation of Planets by the late 23rd century. Efrosians served in Starfleet by 2286, and an Efrosian served as the Federation President as of 2293.  


Efrosian culture is the result of living on the harsh, frozen world of Efros Delta for generations. Both technological and social development were minimal during the millennia-long ice age that ravaged the planet. Close-knit tribes formed out of a need for survival. Once the immense glaciers began to break up, the planet eventually united.   Each tribe during the ice age had at least one warrior-priest, an individual capable of exceptional combat as well as great healing. When the ice age ended, the warrior-priests soon united Efros under a religious oligarchy led by the still-revered S'skotomz.   Prior to first contact with the Federation, the Efrosians were once under Klingon rule. However, they rebelled, sending the Klingons reeling in defeat.   First contact was made with the Federation in 2278 when the Vulcan crew of the USS Surak visited Efros. Delighted to learn of other intelligent life, the Efrosians soon joined the Federation and began educational and philosophical cultural exchanges with other worlds. Many serve in Starfleet and the Merchant Academy as helmsmen, navigators, and medical personnel (some warrior-priests have become Starfleet doctors).   As members of the United Federation of Planets, an Efrosian delegation sits on the Federation Council. In 2289, Ra-ghoratreii was elected President of the United Federation of Planets and served until 2300.


Efrosians are very similar in appearance to Klingons, save for the very slight cranial ridges in comparison to a Klingon's full crest, and a copper skin complexion. Their faces contain fatty deposits inherited from their primitive ancestors who neglected to cover their faces from the harsh cold of the planet Efros. Males tend to have white or blonde hair while females usually have black or dark brown hair. It is typical in Efrosian culture for the males to grow lengthy mustaches, and most Efrosians wear their hair long. Efrosians have two stomachs and require the oils found in Levithi nuts in order to remain healthy. These nuts are found only on Efros Delta, but are exported to other Federation worlds where Efrosians live. Most Efrosians have weak eyes but compensate with a heightened sense of smell. Some Efrosians who are blind can correct this disability with a type of special mechanical glasses. Interestingly, despite their poor eyesight Efrosians appear to have a greater range of vision than Humans, being sensitive to a wider portion of the spectrum.   An inherent ability is their uncanny sense of direction. This is believed to have originated as a survival mechanism to deal with their world's often blinding snowstorms. As a result, Efrosians are often sought out as navigators.  

Society & Culture

The Efrosians do not have a written language. Although introduced to the concept by other civilizations, the Efrosian culture is still based on memorizing oral history, with libraries resembling other worlds' music archives. Furthermore, the Efrosian language is music based, which is more common among aquatic species such as the Alonis, than mammalian humanoids.   Efrosians lack the concept of monogamy found in many other humanoid cultures, however this lack of monogamy does not necessarily translate into sexual promiscuity. Still, Efrosians consider sexual intercourse a useful way to learn to work well with others, helping one appreciate one's colleagues. It is actually considered somewhat rude not to flirt with someone of your preferred sex.