
A hybrid or mixed species was the end result of mixing two or more different species in the biological process of reproduction. Because of the common genetic ancestry of most of the species of the Milky Way Galaxy by way of the ancient humanoids, many species were able to interbreed with or without the help of genetic technology.   In some cultures, children who are born as a result of interspecific relations were rejected by the society of both races. For example, Bajoran/Cardassian hybrids were often rejected by both Bajorans and Cardassians. In the aftermath of the Klingon-Federation war, many Human/Klingon hybrids were ostracized as well.  

Genetic Compatibility

Ordinarily the chances of two alien species evolving for millions of years on different worlds should be genetically incompatible with one another. The chances of two distinct evolution paths across hundreds of millions of genomes is statistically impossible. However within the Milky Way galaxy it was discovered that one of the first space faring races that flourished over 4.5 billion years ago seeded genetic code across all the quadrants resulting in biocompatible life. As a result a seemingly majority of intelligent life that developed is humanoid and relatively similar both in appearance and genetics.   Known species that are part of this template (and thus are highly likely to be bio-compatible): Acmarian, Alshain, Arivne, Ba'ku, Barzan, Bajoran, Betazoid, Beta Promethean, Boslic, Cardassian, Centauran, Coluan, Cygnian, Chalchaj 'qmey, Daliwakan, Deltan, Denebian, Denobulan, Efrosian, Ferengi, Hermat, Human, Ikaaran, Lukari, Klingon, Kriosian, Ktarian, Malcorian, Napean, Orion, Rigelian, Risian, Reman, Romulan, Skagaran, Tarl, Tiburon, Terrellian, Tellarite, Trill, Vulcan, Zakdorn.    


While two species may be genetically compatible to create an offspring that doesn't mean the child will be able to survive after its birth. Especially with new or rare pairings there may be physical challenges that must be addressed using modern medicine. For example, a Human mother carrying a half-Ktarian fetus is at risk of the fetus' horns puncturing her womb and causing internal bleeding. A human-Bajoran child often needs heart surgery immediately after birth to ensure that the partially rotated heart is secure and connected properly. In general though species based off of similar ancestors or those related to the Progenitors ancient template are relatively risk free.

Known Hybrids

  • Arivne/Human
  • Aenar/Andorian
  • Bajoran/Betazoid
  • Bajoran/Cardassian
  • Bajoran/Ferengi
  • Bajoran/Human
  • Bajoran/Klingon
  • Bajoran/Vulcan
  • Beta Promethean/Human
  • Betazoid/Human
  • Betazoid/Klingon
  • Betazoid/Vulcan
  • Boraalan/Human
  • Chalchaj 'qmey/Human
  • Cardassian/Human
  • Centauran/Human
  • Coluan/Vulcan
  • Cygnian/Vulcan
  • Daliwakan/Human
  • Deltan/Human
  • Denobulan/Human
  • Hermat/Vulcan
  • Human/Ikaaran
  • Human/Lukari
  • Human/Klingon
  • Human/Kriosian
  • Human/Ktarian
  • Human/Napean
  • Human/Orion
  • Human/Rigelian
  • Human/Romulan
  • Human/Skagaran
  • Human/Tarl
  • Human/Terrellian
  • Human/Thallonian
  • Human/Tiburon
  • Human/Trill
  • Human/Vulcan
  • Human/Zaranite
  • Klingon/Romulan
  • Klingon/Trill
  • Lukari/Vulcan
  • Naxeran/Weyrie
  • Orion/Romulan
  • Orion/Vulcan
  • Tiburon/Vulcan
  • Romulan/Vulcan