Jaro Essa

Jaro Essa was a former Bajoran minister and later CEO of a large mining corporation.   By 2370, Jaro had risen through the Bajoran provisional government ranks to become a senior minister in the government. Secretly he was working with a rebel group called The Circle using smuggled weapons to strike at his political rivals. In 2370 he and his allies seized control of Deep Space 9 and initiated a coup against the Bajoran government. However Major Kira Nerys uncovered the truth that unbeknownst even to Jaro, the weapons being smuggled in for the Circle were actually being supplied by the Cardassian Union in an attempt to destabilize Bajor and make them open to conquest once again.    When presented with this evidence Jaro quickly struck a deal with the provisional government, ordering his forces to stand down and turning over the names of the other rebel leaders in exchange for immunity. In the end he was forced to resign and served a very reduced sentence for his crimes.   By 2376 he had assumed control of the Lamerck Mining Corporation thanks to the connections of his wife. This brought him into conflict with many individuals, including both the miners themselves and the Minister of Labor, Krate Xordea. He achieved tremendous wealth and power through illegal dealings and outright blackmail but ultimately his ruthless tactics led to his own demise.   In 2376 after a heated meeting with Minister Krate the two got into a fight and Krate fatally stabbed Jaro in self-defense.
Current Status
2314 2376 62 years old
Circumstances of Death
Fatally stabbed
Place of Death
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations