Klingon Empire

The Klingon Empire, like its people, has a history full of conquest and bloodshed. The modern Klingon Empire is shaped by Kahless the Unforgettable, a historic figure that has been lionized into myth who founded the Klingon Empire in the 9th century.   Klingons achieved spaceflight centuries before Humans did however their progress was set back as they were attacked by various alien species before they were able to secure their borders. Due to poor first contact, the Klingon Empire became humanity's greatest foe for much of the 22nd and 23rd centuries with several wars breaking out between their borders and, at various points, threatening both their homeworlds with complete destruction.   In 2293 a moon of Qo'nos imploded due to extensive overmining and lax safety measures cracking the surface of the planetoid. As Praxis was a critical part of the Klingon economy, this setback forced the Klingon Empire to the negotiating table and later that year the Khitomer Peace Accords were signed finally ending hostilities and normalizing relations between Klingons and the Federation.
The early 24th century saw the Klingons slowly rebuild although there were several instances of deliberate interference by Romulan agents to keep the Empire divided. These efforts culminated in the Klingon Civil War fought from 2367-2368 which saw Chancellor Gowron ascend to the head of state.   Despite occasional border raids and rogue captains, the Klingons and Federation continued to improve their diplomatic relations and when the Dominion launched their war in 2373, the Klingons and Federation fought side-by-side (although with very different mindsets and views of how the war should progress).   In 2375, Chancellor Gowron was challenged and killed by Worf of House Martok due to the dishonorable way Gowron had been using his office by the conclusion of the Dominion War and Chancellor Martok was crowned. Due to his legendary status as a supreme commander during the war, the Klingon Empire under Chancellor Martok is quite stable but his rule is not absolute. While he continues to draw the Klingon and Federation closer, there are factions within the Klingon that still view other races as people to be conquered, not befriended and small bands of terrorists and pirates continue to plague both governments.
Notable Members