
The Ktarians were a humanoid species native to the planet Ktaris.  


The Ktarians had diplomatic relations with the Federation and its predecessor state, the Coalition of Planets since at least 2155, when they sent delegates to the first coalition talks on Earth in that year.


Full blooded Ktarians are humanoid in form with foreheads made up of two large bony hemispheres bisected by bone-like ridges ending at the top of their noses. Female Ktarians have scales on their mammary glands designed to protect them from the incisors that erupt from their young after three to four weeks. Full-blooded Ktarians have horizontal goat-like pupils and irises in at least the color yellow. In other, rarer cases, they had small horn-like exo-cranial ridges and human-like eyes, or a particularly pronounced brow ridge.   Ktarian-Human hybrids lack both the horizontal pupils and the bony foreheads in favor of a range of small exo-cranial horns running down the middle of their foreheads. A rare complication in the gestation of Ktarian-Human hybrids is a sudden shifting of the fetus resulting in the lodging of the exo-cranial horns in the uterine wall, which can result in internal bleeding if not corrected. Fetal transport is the correct manner of delivery to avoid nerve damage in the child or mother following this complication. A small complication called hemocythemia, or hemocythemic imbalance, can result from fetal transport in which the osmotic pressure of the fetus's cell walls become unstable, but can be corrected with osmotic pressure therapy.   Ktarians grow at a much faster rate then most humanoids; Naomi Wildman, a Ktarian-Human hybrid, entered Starfleet Academy at age nine or ten instead of the Human age of eighteen.   Ktarian hearts had eight chambers. The sound they produced was similar to that of a pulsar cluster's EM fields vibrating against a ship's hull.

Society & Culture

Ktarian burial rituals are held on Ktaria VII, in which Ktarians lay thousands of stones around the tomb of the deceased, each stone representing a special prayer. The removal or displacement of one of these stones is considered a desecration of the burial site.   Ktarians were known for their arts and culture. Ktarian music festivals were popular, they had the ability to produce highly entertaining and even addictive video games, and the Ktarian glaciers were a popular tourist destination. They also had some popular culinary dishes popular among Federation officers, such as their Ktarian chocolate puff, Ktarian eggs, Ktarian beer, and Ktarian Merlot.