
Lormeans are a pre-warp civilization originally from Orgun II.    


Lormean history is relatively peaceful compared to most other civilizations. During the equivalent of their medieval age there was a great conflict that grew to encompass almost half the major continent and ended up resulting in depopulating almost 40% of the Lormean species. After this point their Enlightenment era put an extreme emphasis on settling conflicts with diplomacy instead of war and there was a rise in the development of nonlethal weaponry and tactics. Even during major conflicts since then an extreme emphasis is placed on the preservation of Lormean life.   The Lormeans in the past decades have just started exploring space. There are basic communication satellites in orbit and they have the rocketry technology necessary to reach the nearby planet, Orgun III although initial expeditions had disasterous results due to the extremely aggressive fauna on Orgun III.   Lormeans have a strong sense of mythology and religion built around the unknown alien vaults that are scattered through their lands. The ancient legends say that winged angels from the heavens came down and sealed the doors as the gateways to the underworld to stop a demon invasion from destroying the lands.    Modern Lormean scientists are divided whether the ancient vaults are of non-Lormean origin or if the Lormeans were once far more advanced but the ancient history was lost for some unknown reason.


Lormeans are a mammalian equivalent semi-aquatic species somewhat akin to Earth otters. They are shorter than a typical human standing only around 1.4 meters tall and are covered with a thick, water resistant fur that provides both insulation and reduces drag when swimming. They have powerful legs and tails that are used for swimming but can also be used in combat if the need arises. Comparatively they have much weaker upper body strength and combat for Lormeans is typically resolved with kicks or strikes from their lower body.  

Society & Culture

Loreman society is mostly peaceful although their history is marked with the typical wars and oppression throughout their development. Currently Orgun II does not have a unified government instead the world is broken up into approximately 136 different states that have a complex network of alliances and treaties.   Lormeans are noted of having incredibly dense and complex alliances and treaties with even simple trade agreements resulting in thousands of page of text as every contingency and situation is brought up and accounted for. While this has produced very thorough contracts it also means that businesses are forced to look strategically as it is impossible to get anything on short notice.   Family units tend to be blended with multiple generations living within the same walls and when there is a marriage is used to be traditional that both families would be combined. As their society has developed there are more boundaries put into place between families but many still practice this old way resulting in houses at double or triple their expected occupancy until the new family unit can find a large enough house.   It is customary for young Lormeans to "travel the river" and go out on a rite of passage where they join a small group of other young adults to go out and explore the world and experience life outside their local village or city. These groups are always set as four individuals traveling together as four is a particularly revered and lucky number for Lormeans.