
Lurians are a warp-capable sentient species native to the planet Luria.  


In the Ionite Nebula region, the Lurians, hailing from the planet Luria, have a history marked by unity under the rule of the Gheljiar Royal Family. Thousands of years of stability allowed Lurian society to flourish, fostering both curiosity and contentment. While Lurians were predominantly homebodies in the 24th century, some chose to venture beyond their nebula, contributing to the diverse galactic landscape. The Lurians have good diplomatic relations with the Federation but are not members and during the Dominion War they stated their neutrality in the matter.  


Lurians are solidly built, measuring around two meters tall, with distinctive elongated heads, wide mouths, and small, deep-set eyes. Their unique physiology includes multiple hearts, at least four lungs, and two stomachs, providing resilience against injuries, toxins, and an impressive liquid-storage capacity.  

Society & Culture

Despite their robust physical traits, Lurians are thinkers and dreamers, often engrossed in contemplation about their future. The Gheljiar's influence shapes Lurian culture, emphasizing unity and traditions like honoring the deceased with food and drink. Lurians also engage in postmodernist poetry, known for being perplexing to outsiders.