Maquis (Mah-kee)

The Maquis (mah-KEE), otherwise known as the Maquis Resistance, were a resistance group that consisted of Federation-born colonists and discontented Starfleet officers who organized against the Cardassian occupation of their homes in the Demilitarized Zone after their colonies were ceded to the Cardassian Union by Federation Cardassian Treaties in the late 2360s and early 2370s. Starfleet Command considered members of the Maquis to be traitors, while Cardassia considered the Maquis to be terrorists. The Maquis wished to formally declare their secession from the Federation as an independent state, but they were defeated by Cardassia's new overlord, the Dominion and its powerful army of Jem'Hadar in 2373, before their plans materialized.