
The Osnullus were a warp capable species of insectoids hailing from Osnia.  


Historically Osnullus were part of large colonies separated by castes and serving a single Queen. These colonies would encompass tens of millions of workes, soldiers, innovators, and dozens of other specialized castes the hive used to grow and adapt. As the species became more intelligent, however, they learned to move past their inherent castes creating a movement of independence where some would look to leave their colony and look for something different. The Osnullus found that "something different" in the form of encountering the Federation and by 2185 becoming one of the first new species to join the newly formed Federation.  


Osnullus have six eyes, a hard carapace, and no mouths. They consume their food through specialized feeding ports on their fingers, an adaptation from a diet primarily on smaller insects that liked to hide in small holes. Most Osnullus are female with biological males being produced by a colony very rarely and these males tend to have very short lives as their only purpose is to breed with a new queen who can then produce millions of eggs that are hatched and raised. In order to promote different castes, a variety of environmental factors such as temperature, pH values, and light levels are manipulated to create Osnullus from their castes. While most Osnullus fall into basic categories: (worker, soldier, innovator, queen), these all exist on a spectrum so by careful manipulation of variables, various hybrid roles are created as needed to fulfill specific needs of the colony.  

Society & Culture

For most Osnullus, service of the Queen is the overriding demand and there little thought or effort put into spending any time with art or music. Since the 22nd century, however, a growing number of Osnullus are breaking away from their caste programming and over the past 200 years there has ben a very rapid development of a rich and vibrant culture. Osnullus architecture and musici s particularly interesting as their vision extends into the ultraviolet spectrum and their hearing is augmented by specialized hairs on their carapace allowing them to create music and art that is quite unique for their species.