
Quark is an "entrepeneur" active within Federation space.  

Biogrpahical Information

Quark, born in 2333 on the planet Ferenginar, is a Ferengi male who is best known for his role as the proprietor of Quark's Bar, Grill, Gaming House, and Holosuite Arcade on Deep Space 9. Prior to his establishment on the space station, he engaged in various business ventures, both legal and less scrupulous, which is characteristic of the Ferengi pursuit of profit.   During the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor, Quark quickly established a black market to transfer resources to the Bajoran resistance at a considerable profit. This activity made him a constant focal point for station security however during this time he was never appreheneded. When the Cardassians left Bajor, Quark remained behind and his establishment became one of the first businesses to re-open under joint Federation-Bajoran rule.   Quark continued to advance various schemes and hustles that would frequently run him afoul of the Federation crew however just as often his ingenuity and connections proved invaluable. Viewing him as ultimately a net neutral effect, he was allowed to continue to operate throughout the Dominion War.   After the war with his brother being elevated to Grand Nagus, Quark seized on the opportunity to franchise his establishment and "Quark's" began showing up in stations around the Federation.
Current Status
Current Location
Year of Birth
2333 48 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations