
Xindi-Insectoids are a distinct and insect-like species within the Xindi race  


Prior to contact with Humans, the Xindi devolved into a massive civil war between the six Xindi species. The Xindi-Insectoids aligned with the Xindi-Reptilians and in the 20th century (Earth Reckoning) the Insectoids and Reptilians detonated a seismic device that resulted in the extermination of the Xindi-Avians. After fleeing the destruction of their homeworld the surviving Xindi species migrated to the Delphic Expanse where they encounted "The Guardians", transdimensional beings that oversaw this region of space. In 2140 the Guardians appeared to the Xindi council and told the council that sometime in the future humanity would result in the destruction of the Xindi so the Xindi developed interstellar weapons and in 2153 launched their first attack against Earth.   Earth responded by sending Cpt. Archer and the Enterprise to the Delphic Expanse to uncover the truth and make peace with the Xindi. While other Xindi races were swayed by Cpt. Archer, the Xindi-Reptilians and Xindi-Insectoids rejected the offer of peace and continued to attempt to attack Earth. In the end, the truth was revealed that the Guardians were using the Xindi as pawns and not protecting them was revealed and the Xindi-Insectoids rejoined the Xindi council and made peace with Earth.  


Xindi-Insectoids had a distinctly insect-like appearance with black carapaces and slender limbs. They had a short life expectancy living only about twelve years and by ten years they were considered to be revered elders. They had a complex language of their own but lacked the internal features to communicate with primate speech. Xindi-Insectoids reproduced asexually, laying large clusters of eggs. In a unique defensive mechanism, these eggs are equipped with a gland capable of producing a powerful neurotoxin. If threatened, the eggs release the substance, inducing an instinctive, obsessive interest in protecting and nurturing the hatchlings among intruders.  

Society & Culture

The Xindi-Insectoid society is marked by its complexity, urgency, and distinctive clicking language with sixty-seven dialects, making it the most complex among the Xindi species. Insectoid names grow longer as individuals age, carrying profound meanings and life histories. Raised voices are interpreted as a sign of hostility, and they are quick to make decisions. The Insectoids are renowned for their skepticism and agitated demeanor, likely attributed to their shorter lifespans and lack of an internal skeleton. Despite their intense nature, they exhibit a strong concern for the survival of their offspring. Insectoids protect their young by maintaining a hatchery attached to their ships, even at the expense of life support systems.   Since the conflict between the Delphic Expanse and Earth was successfully resolved in the 22nd century, Xindi-Insectoids along with the other Xindi species have joined the Federation as a member state.