Bar Crawl — Southeast Cityside

This pub crawl takes place in the Southeast section of Cityside, a neighborhood known as Cordrif. The cobblestone streets flow with drink, puke, and occasionally blood every third day every three months. The route forms a slanted octagon and covers a square mile.  
  • Rumble Inn. A furniture-bolted pub house where once an hour on the hour a small quake wracks the building. Almost no casulties.
  • Nobody's Bar. A baretenderless bar where patrons pour their own and leave coin in plates on the counter. Thieves beware.
  • Tinkerer's Bar. Gnome-run bar filled with interesting trinkets that whirl and buzz cheerily.
  • Vecna's Delight. A necromancer favorite, this establishment is under heavy surveillance, but allowed to operate. Managed by skeletons.
  • The Piss and Whistle. All brawls lead to Piss and Whistle. Musicians accompany the frenzy of this wild and rough bar.
  • The Rusty Blade. A place for has-beens. Newcomers are encouraged to tell their most heroic tale while others judge their mettle.
  • Leeky Crockpot. A leek-themed bar. Leeky drinks, leeky ceilings, leeky bowls. Ran by half-elf Greenthumb.
  • UU. Female-only bar that turn nasty when a male orders a drink.
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