Dead Man's Boot Tradition / Ritual in Uto Daeg | World Anvil

Dead Man's Boot

This game, favored among the salt plains of Lochney, gets its name from a fabled ship that sailed on the salt plains during a deluge back in the beginning of the Era of Mortals. This ship contained a pack of seventy cards and instructions, written in a dwarvish script. Translated, it reads:
  • Deal five cards to each player.
  • Each player's objective is to make sail (gather five wood, five rope, one sail)
  • Each player takes turns drawing two cards and discarding one.
  • If a player wants a card that was thrown down in the deck they must take that card and all cards after.
  • Each player can only discard one card at a time.
  • If the bottom of the pile is reached, reshuffle the cards and draw from that pile.
  • A player can gather ten of any other type of card for special rules.
  • Ten gods, "Orison" — player with ten gods discards these and then takes any three cards from the pile without triggering the "draw every card" penalty.
  • Ten devils, "Unjust" — player with ten devils discards these and can command any other player to discard four cards of their choice. They can say "three gods" or "three ropes." If a player doesn't have any of the cards mentioned, their turn and cards are forfeit.
  • Ten demons, "Thievery" — player with ten demons discards these and can steal any four cards from any other player.
  • Twenty boots, "Dead Man's Boot" — if a player achieves twenty boots, they win the game.


Played for millennia in the salt plains, it eventually made its way to Brin Balo where the dwarves quickly picked it up. The old royalty of the Riverlands also loved the game and would hold tournaments and reward the best player with a plot of land on the coast. It didn't gather much hold on the humans or tieflings or elves. Samba Ka seems to revel in the game as much as the Riverlanders.

Components and tools

Seventy cards. twenty-five boots; twelve gods, devils, demons; eight wood and rope; three sails.
Primary Related Location


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