Hazard Surveyor

These far-traveling individuals rate prospects of land or travel routes' probability of hazardousness. They travel with groups of guards but still must be able to defend themselves. Retired adventurers make up the majority of hazard surveyors.



Hazard surveyors take similar classes as land surveyors in engineering. They also learn most common, and most deadly, monsters in regions they are to survey. Once they educate themselves for 2 years they have 2 years of field exercise accompanying older surveyors with their guard troop. After this they are brought before a regional board to be officially gradiated.

Payment & Reimbursement

The surveyors are paid by those who wish the land or route surveyed. This is mostly monarchs or guild leaders. Some private citizens may also ask for surveyors to ensure their farms or future plans are not interrupted.   The payment depends on the scope of work. The largest contract to be accepted is for an entire region and pulls its surveyors. The payment for this is substantial and usually a mix of money, resource grants, and magic items or services.   Most jobs take a week to survey a road and another week to give a proper assessment. These usually cost around 100 gold pieces. Other funding can be discussed during pre-assessment.

Other Benefits

The pay and the knowledge of helping others is the primary draw to burnt out adventurers and rangers looking for a change of pace. The natural presence cannot be oversold, although they often work around deadly creatures and environments.   As a member of the Guild of Hazardous Surveyors, often shortened to G.H.S., they receive life insurance for family, health insurance, stipends for travel, and cleric services if injured. Additional funds can be set aside in the case of death to provide for resurrection services.


Social Status

In most societies, these are fellow workers akin to bricklayers, stonecutters, and non-artisan blacksmiths.


Due to the high casualty rate (though not entirely deadly) of the surveyors, it is under saturated and always in need of more.


The idea of a surveyor of the deadly and dangerous "outside" has been around for thousands of years. Only until a few hundred years ago was a united and standardized methodology founded.   A group of hobbyist surveyors — whose backgrounds included adventurers, rangers, druids — decided they could make money and help people by using their talents. They formed the first guild in Old Mendoza, in modern day Hezhz. The philosophy and practice spread from there.



  • Licensing papers and icons
  • Writing paraphernalia to record findings
  • Defensive weapons
  • Sextant, compass, other divining instruments
  • Sending stones that link to stationed headquarters
  • Alchemist testing kit for soil, droppings, bones, etc.


Far and wide. The home station may be an almost entire country away or just down the road.

Dangers & Hazards

It's in the title.
Alternative Names
Hazardous surveyors, Hazarders
There's some demand, higher in developing countries or regions. Due to high casualty rates (including injury), many avoid this career path.
Legal and regulated. With a writ from the ruling bodies, the surveyors may travel in the area of interest undisturbed.


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