Imma-am (IM-a-AN)

Gobtober 2021: Prompt 4

The forgotten and evil language of Skinwalkers. This language family is alone in itself. It uses the infernal script but is spoke totally unlike Infernal or Abyssal. Is is very slithering yet harsh and unforgiving. Even spoken in detached monotone, the sounds of the words cause fear and trepidation. None save the skinwalkers know even a tenth of the words let alone structure. When spoken in large crowds it tends to inflict those who hear it under some spell that enchants the creatures to understand the words. Many have said they noticed no change at all when hearing the words. Elves, of course, typically resist this, though some still fall under its enchanting sound.  


Almost all the words connote dread, and there is no word for "peace." The closest is ulutha'ili which means "death of dread," but as seen, this sounds anything but peaceful. Skinwalkers also call their prey talu which means "toy, plaything." The skinwalkers have a simple caste system. They are divided into the Incarna, "the Made," and Imorco, "the Grown." Incarna are supposedly the ones who were created or self-made through rituals while the Imorco are grown in hive-like burrows they call murla. Interesting to note that "death" and "victory" have the same word gullo.
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