Saroadym Gates of Hlee (sare-oh-ah-deem)

The front defense and first formidable gatehouse to breech before entering the city.   This gatehouse is a right castle on its own complete with barracks for three hundred hands to defend it. The walls rise a hundred feet high and are several feet thick. Arrowslits perforate the wall giving excellent advantage to the defenders. Parapets surmount machicolations where projectiles and spells may be cast down upon attackers. The covered roof above the gatehouse itself undergoes constant maintenance, reinforced from better metals and materials.   The gates themselves are made of magically infused metal that opens only on command from the gatehouse captain. Special guards called the Saroadym Guard, oversee the gatehouse. Additional defenses besides the man-at-arms are the plethora of golems that hang up on the rafters that can be brought down for more defense. These golems wield weapons of violence and are usually reserved for a last defense, as they cannot easily distinguish friend from foe.


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