Species vs Race

Last updated 2023-01-21
The term "race" is loaded with all manner of background. Race in its origin is not wholesome or innocent. Despite "species" sounding more scientific than fantastical, I believe it to be the better verbiage forward.  


"Race" in Uto Daeg will not be used much at all. If it is used, it isn't used to denote a species but a culture that is primarily inhabited by a species. The emotional and historical charge of "race" in Uto Deag does not have the same charge as in our Earth, however, it will be refrained from being used much if at all.  


The use of subspecies may be used when there are distinct physiological differences between those in the same species. An example of this are giants. There are Hill, Storm, Frost, Fire, etc. giants. They are part of the same species, giant, but also physically and culturally distinct beyond superficial traits. In this regard you would have the giant species and then the fire giant subspecies.   "Subspecies" or "sub-species" will the preferred terminology for "race," though "race" may appear. If it does appear, it is referring to this distinct difference of subspecies and not to differentiate intraspecies distinctions.  

What I plan to do

I intend to remove as best I can references to "race" and change to "species" as I feel that best describes what I'm trying to convey. Please let me know on discord, reddit, or in the comments of this articles. Thank you!


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