
The amelshen are a mustelid type species made up of semi-aquatic and fully terrestrial members of its species, resembling otters, weasels, and ferrets. They are a founding member of the Astejean Tripact, and were critical in pushing for the eventual merger of the Tripact with the United Treaty Organization. They are well regarded as a friendly and particularly playful species, earning them positive relations with most of their galactic peers - or a reputation as naiive nuisances among some others.

Basic Information


Amelshen have two distinct subspecies. The semi-aquatic types are known as 'zalashen' and closely resemble river otters and minks found on Earth, with little variation from this archetype. Their terrestrial kin are known as 'orashen,' and have only marginally more diversity in that they resemble Earth weasels, martens, and ferrets. However, these clear distinctions between them have long since melded into a hybridization of all of these species that they refer to simply as the 'orashen.'   The capability of zalas and oras to breed with one another means that the zalas are capable of inheriting the more varied coloration of their ora kin. The only features that distinguish a zala from an ora, is whether or not the individual has the webbed fingers and feet that make them a zala. Whether they inherit the increased lung capacity or underwater senses that come with true river otters is irrelevant, meaning the actual submerged capabilities of a zala will vary from person to person. Some oras may even be more capable underwater than some zalas, only lacking the webbing to identify them as a zala.   All amelshen share a lithe body structure that is capable of compressing not unlike the tordenchi and ashar, making them very comfortable in tight spaces. However, orashen are notably more capable of this. Most zalashen will be notably larger and more muscular to assist in their aquatic capabilities, but this again varies heavily depending on inherited traits.

Biological Traits

Zalashen are the semi-aquatic variant of the species. A zala is determined by webbing on their hands and feet. More often than not, they have larger, stronger tail for assistance with swimming, but this is not always the case due to hybridization of the species.   Orashen are the fully terrestrial variant, and lack webbing. They may have features of zalas such as a larger tail or even a powerful lung capacity, but these aspects do not make them zalas. An ora may be more 'squishy' and more compact than a zala, but this depends on genetics.

Genetics and Reproduction

Amelshen have a standard mammalian reproduction, and are capable of reproducing mating at any time. Though, on instinct, they tend to favor colder times of the year for reproduction. They have an approximate 14 month, or two UST years, gestation cycle. On their homeworld, this usually meant they would give birth just as the temperatures may begin to warm. Naturally, this may not be the case on most other planets, but this does not affect their tendency toward mating during cold periods.   Most amelshen give birth to a litter of two, sometimes three, kits.

Growth Rate & Stages

An amelshen kit is considered ready for education at around four years of age. They reach puberty between ten and fourteen, and are considered fully mature at 22.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Amelshen are omnivorous, but the terrestrial orashen have a stronger propensity toward a primarily carnivorous diet, and a vegetarian diet would have strict dietary requirements.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

As a whole, amelshen have excellent senses of smell, but its favored biome may vary depending on if they are more aquatic or terrestrial, if not an 'average' combination of both.   Eyesight is strong for most of the species, but those that may appear to be more 'ferret' in nature have notably lessened eyesight, but an even stronger sense of smell that may bring them nearly to a lupari's level. In some cases, with lupari guidance, some individuals have been able to learn to discern the pheromones that lupari identify purely on instinct.   Hearing is acute for the entire species, but limited underwater even for the most aquatic of zalashen. Instead, some may rely more on their whiskers to sense things underwater. Those with such capable whiskers are sensitive, but they are a well known point of gentle, stimulating affection from their romantic partners.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Masculine names:

Feminine Names:


Culture and Cultural Heritage

Amelshen are an exceptionally outgoing species, with a strong belief in maintaining strong friendships at an intercommunal level. Their history is marked with what they call 'peace festivals' that welcomed numerous different communities to come together to enjoy one another's company, cooking, music, and so on. As the species grew in population, peace festivals became significantly larger events, eventually spanning whole regions, and finally planets and planetary systems themselves, and welcoming other species.   For amelshen culture, celebrating and honoring one's own achievements, as well as friends, peers, and even strangers, is a cultural norm. This earned amelshen a reputation for being 'party animals,' not so unlike viliti. However unlike viliti, amelshen seek a reason to celebrate rather than having a party just for a party's sake. As such, many amelshen use the prospect of celebration with friends and family, as a drive toward their goals.   With some half of the population being semi-aquatic, water naturally makes up a major part of everything from daily life to many. A hallmark of an amelshen city is its swimways that are beneath the walkways. The walkways are always made of a transparent material to allow natural light to shine down into the swimways while simultaneously allowing those above to see the swimmers below. These swimways are fully independent from the city's waste management network, which makes them a costly endeavor only really seen in urban centers. Because of this, the zalashen typically make up a larger portion of the population in cities, while the orashen are found more in rural and less populated areas, spread out across a larger area. Exceptions may apply to small towns that may be bisected by a river, but the population differences has lead to a sterotype of zalashen being closed off city dwellers, while orashen 'live in the boonies.' Among the species, this is typically just friendly teasing, and the nature of amelshen festivities typically ensures a close attachment between urban and rural.


The amelshen experienced a relatively peaceful unification before they explored beyond their system, and approached the stars with a strong hope for finding others. Their first encounter with signs of alien life was when the exploratory vessel 'Falnir' arrived in the Harrha System, where they discovered the remnants of a battle between the Sareshna and the Wasaya, and a defunct jump gate. The battle appeared to have been several years passed, with no signs of anyone coming to salvage the wreckages.   Harrha IV, now known as 'Amity's Cradle', was an arid world, aggressive in its climate, but livable for most life in the galaxy. During survey, a signal was discovered by the Fafnir. It turned out to be a Sareshna distress beacon. Further scans found a Wasaya beacon not so far from the Sareshna's, apparently degraded and nearly dead.   Further investigation found the remnants of the Sareshna and Wasaya crews from the space battle, clinging desperately to life with their settlements built around their escape pods and dropships. The Falnir promptly provided what aid it could, and then returned home to notify the rest of the Lanshen Alliance.   As it turned out, the Wasaya and Sareshna had ceased hostilities on the planet, and maintained a wary peace. The amelshen aided both sides, rescuing the some several hundred survivors in total. Through the survivors the amelshen learned the Wasaya and Sareshna were the only other known species, which gave hope to the amelshen to act as mediators for the enemies once they found the respective nations, using experience gained from interacting with the survivors as a foundation. The war had originated over planetary claims a couple years before the battle at Harrha IV.   Within a year, the Lanshen Alliance had made contact with the Greater Sareshna Union and the Anhasen State of the wasaya. The war was still ongoing, but lessened in hostilities. The amelshen handed over the survivors they found, but only began mediation for the war several years later after establishing themselves as effective trade partners with both sides.   Harrha IV became the location of the diplomatic summit at the amelshen's permission, whereupon a peace accord was made. It was a shaky peace, as no concessions or war goals were achieved, as the Lanshen Alliance would put economic sanctions on whoever refused peace.   However, in the following years, with the Lanshen Alliance acting as proof of the benefits of cooperation between powers, relations steadily warmed. A century later, the alliance that was the Astejean Tripact was formed. Harrha IV was renamed to 'Amity's Cradle' and became a jointly owned system, which over the centuries would become something resembling a UTO like hub world, although the only example of one in the Tripact until some centuries after first contact with the UTO.   The amelshen knack for diplomacy, or a desire for friendly relations, was the driving force behind the Tripact's eventual merging with the United Treaty Organization.
Homeworld: Andahah
Home System: Lanshir
Governing Body: Lanshir Alliance
Faction: Astejean Tripact, eventually United Treaty Organization
Small Mustelids
117 Terran years.
Average Height
65.8 feet
Average Weight
126.3 tons
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Various shades of brown with white fur making up lighter tones. Eye color is normally a dark brown with a lighter amber being a rare trait.


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