
Basic Information


Angorans are a bipedal digitigrade species with a fully anthropoid chest and two arms. Both their paws and hands possess only four digits each, but the claws on their fingers grow out much longer than those on their toes. Each one reaching roughly eight centivalen (one meter). Save the claw on each index finger, which instead reaches sixteen centivalen (two meters) on average. These are some of the largest claws, relative to body size, of any known sapient species, and their dense and sharp anatomy makes them difficult break and excellent at piercing through armor.   Angoran heads are relatively narrow and pointed, ending in small toothless mouths with only a limited degree of possible expression. Their ears are more akin to exposed earholes, with only a small ridge near the back of their head to denote them. Notably, within their mouths, angorans possess exceptionally long tongues close to the same length of their body. These unusually long muscles are fully prehensile, and are coated in an unusually sticky saliva that makes the angorans adept at capturing unusually small prey. An adaptation they developed due to a primarily insect-based diet.   From the scalp of the angorans' heads, down their backs, on the backs of their arms, and completely encasing their legs and tails is a natural armor composed of the largest and densest scales of any known species in the galaxy. Because of this density it is difficult for most physical weaponry not designed for armor-piercing to pierce through, and while it is not as effective against plasma weaponry it does insulate angorans against some of the heat from said weapons. These scales further augment their tails. Said limbs grow out anywhere from the length of the angoran's body to twice its length. The scales makes these tails very wide and flat on the bottom, and the edges between them enable the scales to catch and grab hold of crevices and cracks. Allowing angorans to climb and hang onto some surfaces with their tail alone.   However, the faces, throats, chests, bellies, underarms, and palms of angorans are completely exposed. Even their skin is visible, covered only by a layer of hair too thin and sparse to properly be considered fur. Though their tails' length enables them to easily shield their front in various ways, including curling into balls.

Biological Traits

Dimorphism between male and female angorans is slightly greater than most species. As while they have the typical differences of females possessing wider hips and breasts, a female's scales will typically by smoother and fit snugly together, while a male's scales tend to be rougher and have slightly upturned edges. Males also are noted to have longer hand claws than females. This aside, both male and female angorans maintain similar amounts of muscle mass, and thus neither is considered weaker than the other.

Genetics and Reproduction

Angorans lack a heat, and are capable of reproducing at any time of the year. However, for ceremonial reasons, they are known only to attempt to reproduce at one period during the year, usually around the Third Quarter of a UST year. Some angorans even forego all sexual activity save for this time of the year. Once impregnated, however, an angoran will only take two quarters for their children to gestate, and they will only give birth to one baby.

Growth Rate & Stages

Angoran newborns are roughly twice the size of a human adult. They are an infant for four years, before finally being weened. During which time they will only double in size. It is only at this time that they will begin to learn to walk and talk. By six years old an angoran is considered developed enough to begin their education. At only fourteen years of age they will begin puberty, but, while they will normally exit the education system at twenty-five, they are not considered a fully mature adult until they are fifty years old.

Ecology and Habitats

Angorans can thrive in most temperatures, but their bodies are adapted best for climbing and finding small prey hidden away in nooks and crannies. Thus they are most comfortable in forested or jungle environments with terrain they are familiar to and able to navigate with ease. More open areas, like plains and deserts, are not problematic but do not play to their strengths. However, extreme cold can be more difficult for them than most species, with a large portion of their front lacking either scales or fur, and requiring them to wear extra clothes as a result.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Predominantly insectivores, angorans' diet consist largely of small creatures and bugs to this day. They are perfectly capable of digesting plant matter, provided it is thin and leafy or a spice, but the bulk of their protein still comes from insects. The reason being that their lack of teeth and small mouths makes consuming any hardier meals or large portions difficult. In order for angorans to eat the meat of larger animals, said meat has to be meticulously cut into very tiny portions. Something which most angorans themselves do not have the patience for. In addition to this, their lack of teeth also makes their digestion process longer, and the larger the portion they have managed to fit into their mouth the longer it will take for their stomach to break it down.   Ultimately, their bodies have adapted to be highly efficient to make up for the small portions of food they consume at a time, and thus they are able to function at peak condition off of relatively little compared to most other species. This does nothing to improve their overall stamina, but it does mean they need less food than other species.   Angoran cooking, as a result, has largely been about finding ways to add more flavor to the otherwise bland and flavorless insects they consume. This has taken on several different approaches over time. With the most prominent methods being to either coat the insects in something with a strong flavor, often something sweet like a candy, or to mix them into stews and soups so that the extra ingredients, though possibly inedible to angorans due to their size, and broth soak their flavor into the insects. Furthermore, liquid and soft substances present no difficulty for consumption by angorans. Thus "shakes," smoothies, and nutrient packs are common. Though with the lattermost being rather tasteless it is unpopular outside of their military, which finds it a convenient food source for troops. Similarly mashed vegetables or fruits are common to find angoran in dishes as well.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

As a result of their small heads and narrow snouts, angoran faces are overall quite small. There is no dip between scalp and snout, but rather their forehead is a smooth continuation of the scalp into the snout. Their mouths are the same size as their noses, and their small lips have difficulty expressing many emotions. Furthermore, their eyes are a solid color with no difference between pupil, iris, or sclera. These makes it difficult for their eyes to express emotion as well. Adding to that their mostly internalized ears with just small solid ridges denoting them, and they lack yet another method of expression that many species of the galaxy have.   As a result, it is very easy for angorans to be deceptive when they want, but their honor-based society leads often to the opposite. With angorans bluntly stating their thoughts in most situations, so that they may be understood.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Angorans are on the lesser end of capability when comparing the senses of most species in the galaxy. While they are not blind or deaf, their sight and hearing are much lesser than most species. It is easy for them to miss things that do not smell. As their sense of smell, while not on the extraordinary end, is not far behind the predatory species of the galaxy in capability. They are unable to pick out individuals by scent, but can track down food and objects quite handily. However, the lack of fur or scales on their front, hands in particular, gives them an enhanced sense of touch that is only rivaled by humans and Ishentians.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

As an independent species, the angorans have had no outside influence on their naming traditions. Both male and female names tend to be chosen largely for meaning to reflect what the parents may desire for or believe about their newborn. However, they also are each given a "Heritage Name" for the memory of a notable ancestor. This heritage name will always be followed by a number to indicate which generation they are to use that name. This is done to give the individual angoran a predecessor to look up to and be inspired by. The hope being they will follow in their footsteps.   In angoran culture much more emphasis is put on honor and legacy, and thus the ordering of names is different. With the family name being placed first, followed by the heritage name, and the personal name last. The only time this is not so is when the angoran in particular is considered honorable or heroic enough that they are personally worthy of note. When this occurs, the angoran will be stripped of their heritage name, and the number 1 will be placed beside their personal name. After which their personal name will be treated as a possible heritage name for their family.   Male Names: Drakovva, Yakizzidek, Nabuchzara, Voriyelva, Gesheridan, Alzuzidek, Mattrias, Alzidias   Female Names: I'ishtrova, Ruumezi, Naldrizeya, Yasalla, Gir'rolada, Buzumel, Elanada, Elshrova, Tronoel   Family Names: Ishgala, Kalakirn, Yusaliim, Ya'akoll, Zarkidian, Truushkalam, Zaalmodek, Irhanaim   Full Names: Naabalath Juballa VIII Trizidek, Bradahi Zatthias MXII Arhalel, Garadek Ys'shalla I, Garadek Ys'shalla II Arkovva, Sala'am Crishida I, Yazilidian Shureyel XXIII Gallahadan


The angorans' homeworld of Andeeta is one with a foodchain dominated by super-predators. While the most numerous of these are found in mountainous and jungle environments there are at least a few in just about every biome. Humanity would ordinarily name such animals as megafauna, but as even the megafauna of Earth's distant past are mostly dwarfed by ordinary life on other worlds the term seems too minimal for the extreme examples on Andeeta. Thus the term gigafauna has been coined.   Naturally, with a world filled to the brim such large and dangerous creatures, the animal life has had a significant impact on the development of the angorans and their society. Especially when the jungles, one of the most dangerous environments on Andeeta, is where the angorans originate from. Being more on par with the rest of the galaxy's sapients for size, they were perfect prey for much of the gigafauna, and even the herbivorous behemoths would often present a threat by ambling through angoran settlements with little care for the smaller species.   This lead to a quick development of walls and fortified towns for the angorans, but even then the most clever predators and largest gigafauna were not so easily repelled, continuing to be a threat. The change to this came when an angoran by the name of Mozdeka Yekalva I organized a company of the best soldiers he could get his hands on, and took them out into the wilds to hunt and slay the predators that threatened their peoples so. This company would operate under the title of Ward, but is today remembered as the First Ward. While initially met with resistance and resentment from the individual lords and kings of the towns whom the soldiers were taken from, their success quickly turned that scorn into praise.   The First Ward significantly dropped gigafauna population in the vicinity of settlements, and when towns would be in distress from the largest of the beasts coming near, the First Ward would be there to respond and aid in the town's defense. What's more, while they would accept donations they would do all this work for free, and built their own bastion out in the wilds. For the first time, roads could be built and kept safe for travel. For the first time towns could keep in regular contact, and for the first time trade could flow freely. This was the birth of heroism for the angorans, and with it and the heavy value the safety and prosperity it brought came a strong sense of honor and conviction to the angorans. Soon more orders of warriors calling themselves wards rose up, each seeking after honor for themselves by aiding their fellow angoran in different ways. With the slaying of gigafauna being the most popular.   As time would go on, and the angorans would truly rise to be the dominant lifeforms of their homeworld, the concept of what brought honor would change. Heroism would always be at the forefront, fueling the dreams of many a young angoran, but not everyone could go out and be a hero. Some were called to other duties and passions, and many other jobs were needed for society to function. Thus significant contribution in any field would come to be seen as bringing honor. Whether that be science, medicine, politics, business, etc. These strong concepts and even the presence of ward orders would follow the angorans into space, as they finally reached out, unified, from Andeeta into the stars.   First contact was made between the angorans and the United Treaty Organization in the year 1076 UE, when a UTO trade vessel being raided by a small crew of pirates had its SOS signal answered by a ward. The angorans were swift to fight off the pirates, and while they and the species aboard the UTO vessel could not communicate much they were able to exchange basic greetings. The trade vessel would then bring story of the unusual first contact back to UTO space with them. This lead to a proper contact from the UTO to the angorans shortly thereafter, and the establishing of diplomatic relations.   While the angorans would maintain a healthy and pleasant relation with the UTO, they have always rebuffed offers to join it. Citing that they wish to be free to do whatever they feel is right and aid those in need regardless of who they belonged to, and that even UTO has enemies. Though the two are not officially considered allies because of this, the angorans have supported many endeavors the UTO has made to better the galaxy.

Psychological Characteristics

For a large portion of their history, the angorans were preyed on by the creatures of their homeworld. Even as civilization was built up and technology advanced they were routinely hunted by animals. This gave rise to an importance of hunting the large predators in turn, and from there the concepts of heroism were ingrained into angoran minds. It quickly became an important part of their culture to help those endangered by others. Leading to the development of what humans would describe as various “knightly” orders known as Wards.   This sense of heroism and honor became integral to the angorans. The standing of one in society, for them, is measured more by their honor than by their income. This can be seen clearly in how those who win great honor in angoran society have their very name used throughout many generations of their family to follow in an attempt to inspire those descended from the to greatness. A fact that continuously tribute to those angorans who have made truly great achievements.   Additionally, to the angorans, while it is not the only way, the strongest way to earn honor is to defend those in danger or dedicate one’s life to an important or beneficial service. However, this honor becomes a sticking point for them. As it often leads to stubbornness and a stiffness in their behavior. The young can be reckless and stupid in their pursuit of honor to the detriment of not just themselves but others. And if they feel you have stained their honor then they are liable to hold you in contempt for the rest of their lives.
311 UST years (176 Terran years)
Average Height
1.52 valen (18.74 meters) (61.48 feet)
Average Weight
69.729 kilofaarir (130.7 metric tons) (144 tons)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
An angoran's scales are rarely a single solid color. They are normally one color predominantly, and the edges of them another. The most common colors they can be are a dark green and greenish yellow, but a fiery orange color is not that rare among them. However, black and white scales are also known to appear in rare cases. The main body of the scales and the edges of them can each appear as any one of these colors.   Their skin, however, is usually either very pale or very dark, nearly black. While the light traces of fuzz that grow out of it are always either blonde or brown. Their eyes come in a rather limited palette as well. Almost all angoran eyes are solid black, but rare cases of solid red and solid white eyes are known to occur as well.