
Basic Information


The sole recovered remains of an annelid show the species to look much like an amalgamation of various lower life form annelids found on other worlds, especially that of the terran world called earth. The body is tubular, with a diameter of approximately 30 centimeters. It has six identical tentacles that extend from the sides of its body, three to each side, starting below the head of the annelid but going no lower than half way down the body length. Each tentacle is a meter long, 10 centimeters wide, and ends in a squid-like pseudopod that has numerous retractable hooks within it. The body and limbs can extend and compact itself up to 50% its normal length in either direction. Though it may move on the ground, pulling itself along via peristalsis, it can also stand upright. The lower pair of tendrils act as legs while the upper four perform as arms.   The one studied annelid had an off yellow coloration and was partly translucent. A majority of its internal structure could be seen through its skin. The eyes of the annelid are a glossy white with no visible pupils of any sort. Its body is coated with a mucus layer that is clear and vaguely smells similar to vinegar. It also wore items on its body in the form of belts and straps surrounding its tubular form. Various items and gear were stored on the annelid via the use of these belts.   Far too little is known about the annelid save that which has been gleaned from study of the highly damaged remains of one corpse. They share many similarities to lower forms of worms; no skeletal structure, redundant sensory organs along the head and arms of the creature allowing it to ‘smell’ as it touches things, acute vibrational sensitivity, and the ability to both breathe through its entire surface skin as well as a form of gill structure letting it remain submerged for an indefinite period of time. Similar to normal worms, the brain of the annelid is spread along and around the length of its ‘throat’ which extends down through two thirds of its body. However, its brain is highly developed and likely capable of functioning faster and more efficiently than currently recorded species. It has multiple redundant neural transmission points along its length, meaning that even if a significant portion of the brain is destroyed, the annelid may still be capable of functioning at partial or at least rudimentary efficiency. Of note, the species appears to have an advanced cellular regenerative capacity as some cellular activity was still present in the remains of the studied annelid, attempting to repair (unsuccessfully) the fatal damage to its body. There is currently speculation that the annelid may not senesce. Further research into the stem cells of the annelid are needed to determine the veracity of this. The annelid are able to excrete a mucus layer from their skin that acts as a powerful anesthetic on contact. This assists in preventing a host from realizing that an annelid is capable of acting as a parasite and infecting a larger being. Annelid have a spike like ‘tongue’ that extends from the mouth. It uses this tongue to cut an incision into a victim’s body, preferably at the base of the skull so as to more easily access the spinal column, brain, and central nervous cluster. It then inserts itself into the wound and digs its way into the host body. Once it has located the brain stem the annelid extends hundreds of hair thin tendrils into the host which allow it to take control of the being’s muscles, nervous system, tap into its sensory organs, and basically move the host like controlling a puppet. The length of time this control can last is unknown. The efficiency of the control is similarly unknown, though a single report shows that it can override all autonomic functions of the host, allowing it to make the host perform any action desired, including suicide. Said report also shows that the host is completely conscious and aware of what the annelid is doing to it the entire time.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Though the annelid has four eyes in a radially symmetrical spread along its head (the frontmost 40cm of the body), its vision appears to be quite poor. It seems to see more effectively through feeling its surroundings. This unfortunately grants it a virtual 360 degree field of vision. The species appears to ‘smell’ through touch, but the effectiveness of this is unknown. They also do not appear to hear in traditional sense, but instead ‘hear’ through vibrations impacting their entire bodies.

Civilization and Culture


The mind of the annelid has been classified as alien to the current UTO scientific community. All that is known is that they appear to be exceedingly xenophobic, have no regard for the lives of any species beyond their own, and show interest in understanding both the physiology and technology of UTO species. As first recorded contact with the species resulted in the death of thirteen UTO citizens and showed they have no care about parasitically dominating any species they can inhabit, including fully sapient ones, it is also assumed they are hostile in the extreme. Until further contact or communication can be achieved with the annelid, all other data about the psychology, societal beliefs, and emotional status of the species is pure supposition and likely to be incorrect.   As of current time, an executive decision supported by both civilian and military branches of the overall UTO government has decreed that all space beyond the UTO Rim, and even extending within the Rim to a distance of 100 light years along the Scutum Centaurus arm, is a no fly zone. No ship is permitted within this territory under extreme penalty of the law. Until such time as a discourse can be achieved with the annelid, this decree will remain extant. Over the course of the past twelve years, five ships have gone missing or vanished while in or near the UTO Rim at Scutum Centaurus. Two were exploratory vessels, two were civilian ships, and one was a military scout ship. Originally labeled as unfortunate casualties due to the indifference of space, these incidents have been relabeled in light of the new information on the annelid. They are now reclassified as potential hostile alien contact.
Home System: Unknown
Homeworld: Unknown
Average Height
16.3 centivalen (1.98m, 6.6 ft) standing, 24.7 centivalen (3.04m, 10.00 ft) long
Average Weight
50.576 faarir (94.8kg) (209lbs)


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