
Basic Information


The ashar are comparable to rats found on earth, and like the tordenchi do not have any distinct subspecies. Their fur has the same spectrum of colors as the tordenchi, from light brown to black, but the ashar can have more white in their fur. It is possible for them to be predominantly white with large splotches of color in their fur, but a fully white coat was eliminated with the treatment of albinism.   Their eyes, which are well evolved like the tordenchi, can be brown, green, or amber all equally. Blue and hazel eyes do not exist among the ashar.   Compared to the tordenchi, the ashar are on average approximately half a meter taller. They are still incredibly flexible and capable of squeezing into tight places, however, and often fill the same roles the tordenchi do. Also like the tordenchi, their paws, tails, and hands are furless. Their digitigrade, four clawed legs and paws lead to a species-wide preference for no footwear, but it is not uncommon for them to wear any.

Genetics and Reproduction

Pregnancies last a little longer than the tordenchi at four months, and typically yield only one child. Two children is their limit for a healthy pregnancy. Ashar are not genetically compatible with tordenchi. Without genetic therapy, intersexed individuals are usually sexually underdeveloped and rare as a whole. However, with it, the ashar can have the third, hermaphroditic gender as well as any other species. Approximately seven percent of ashar are hermaphrodites.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their hearing isn’t as sensitive as the tordenchi, but still heightened compared to neishor, humans, or katians. Their sense of scent is capable of picking up light smells, but unable to properly pick them apart like the canid species. The furless parts of their bodies can be remarkably sensitive compared to even humans.

Civilization and Culture


Unlike the tordenchi, the ashar are aggressive, to a point. They’ll rise to a challenge, but won’t actually challenge anyone themselves. They’re far from hostile, though can be extremely defensive.   However, their honesty being on the same level as the tordenchi means they still take well to having their faults highlighted. Genuine insults can provoke a hostile reaction, however it is deception that leads to the worst anger from an ashar.   Where the tordenchi may be confused or curious as to why they were lied to, an ashar may begin to hate the liar for their deception. It is very possible to completely ruin long standing relationships over a lie.   This does not mean ashar are hostile towards all lies, however. They may be agitated and confused over small, white lies. Above that, something like avoiding spending time with an ashar friend by providing a false excuse could have them angry and ignoring their friend for weeks. Then, the worst of all are lies that cost them something personally, such as a possession or currency. These can be relationship breaking, or even lead to violence.   The ashar did not take the contact with the rynar as well as their tordenchi allies. They rapidly built their military after that encounter, but it was never needed. Contact with the UTO happened not long after, and the ashar were pleased with the concept of the Union.   However, when it was revealed that the sissach were a part of the alliance, the ashar quickly backed out of the negotiations to join and took the tordenchi with them. The sissach took days to be mentioned by UTO diplomats after the ashar shared their first contact experience with them, which the ashar took as an act of deception.   It wasn’t until 36 years later did the ashar fully join the Union, after they appeared to grow envious over the tordenchi’s membership and their anger over the sissach deception had waned. They became the fifth member.   Unfortunately, not even two decades after their joining did an incident with the falashai occur. The ashar had claim to a system with a thick asteroid belt rich in erestal. Several falashai mining companies operated with their government to present an exchange with the ashar. For rights to the ashar system, the falashai offered rights to one of their own systems. The surveys they shared showed massive aluminum deposits in an asteroid belt, which was highly desirable for the ashar at the time. The ashar quickly accepted. However, when they arrived to set up operations they found the asteroid belt was not only far smaller than the falashai claimed, its aluminum was already heavily mined out.   The ashar were furious that they could be deceived like this by supposed friends. Within two days they voted to secede from the UTO, ignoring all pleas from their allies.   It took thirteen years for the ashar to reestablish the first treaties with the UTO, with a further 403 years for the ashar to finally rejoin the Union. A long series of reassurances from the tordenchi was required, stating that the alliance reformed its internal communications and took on a far more transparent nature.     Because of the ashar, deception in internal treaties can result in sanctions and criminal charges, rather than simply having the slighted parties work out the issue themselves.
Home System: Ishentia
Homeworld: Malatia
107 years (earth)
Average Height
1.36 valen (16.74m) (54.92 ft)
Average Weight
73.61 metric tons (81.14 short tons)


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