
Civilization and Culture


Mostly Harmless.   (Gag entry, subject to heavy revision) The humans earned a reputation for stubborn determination during the rynar invasion of their homeworld, Terra. The exact specifics of this stubbornness is unclear, as every species have their stubborn natures. However, humans are ostensibly less off put by seemingly impossible odds. In simulations analyzing this, in which all participants fought rynar opponents on human scale - it was found that nonhumans forces routed about three times more often than solely human forces. It’s unclear what use this stubbornness may be, as it seems to most often lead to death - with nonhuman soldiers boasting a 67 percent higher survival rate. In simulations where sizes were equalized across the board, all participants behaved much the same. Differences in routing were negligible, regardless of species.   Compared to other species, humans have more ‘extreme’ sports that can very likely result in death. This suggests this aspect of their determination makes them more likely to take dangerous risks. Beyond just fighting the rynar, humanity’s penchant for danger manifested in how their technology advanced. Flight rapidly led to their shockingly dangerous rocket launched space program, and the development of nuclear weapons before nuclear energy remains a standout example. There seems to be a trend of larger groups of humans being more prone to doing overly dangerous and risky things.   This unfortunately leads to violent activism. While every species has its violent activists, groups of humans seem to become violent over more minor issues. Humans often reacted viciously upon discovering that sissach regularly destroy their eggs, despite being so clearly necessary for stable civilization. Within their first year of joining the UTO, there were three homicides committed by human mechs, with the victims being sissach oologists. It has been suggested that this is merely a part of social development, and there is evidence to reinforce this as violent activism for seemingly ridiculous issues is easily visible in the past of every species. It simply seems more common with humans because of their smaller size leading to incredible population density as well as a high total population.   The humans were first discovered by the rynar. Even the rynar have a policy of leaving pre-spaceflight civilizations alone and preventing exploration around their systems. However, they were in the process of taking a quick assessment of Earth’s solar system for their records when it was discovered to completely lack erestal, barring some minute deposits within the inner asteroid belt. An intelligent species evolving on an erestal barren planet was yet undocumented, and against the treaty with the UTO, they assessed Earth, the home of the pre-spaceflight species.   After some observation, it was found that these aliens developed nuclear technology. A theory that never came to fruition on other worlds due to erestal making any development immediately obsolete. However, the rynar found that this technology also yielded weapons more powerful than their own incomplete research proposed. These aliens had developed bombs the size of grenades to the rynar, yet they could destroy vast swaths of a city, if not all of it. All thanks to nuclear technology.   After reporting this to their superiors, the rynar broke yet two more terms of the treaty: they did not share the location of the pre-spaceflight species with the UTO, and they initiated contact.   The contact was violent. The humans, as they called themselves, barely reached their soldier’s ankles at full height. That, coupled with the desire to acquire this technology to strengthen the Rynar compared to the UTO, quickly lead to an invasion with the goal of occupying the planet for themselves. A sissach infiltrator reported her findings to the UTO before the invasion began, and they quickly mobilized a fleet, but they would find the Earth three days after Rynar forces landed.   After UTO victory and liberation of Earth, the human ‘United Nations’ very quickly agreed to join the Union, desperate to seek the Union’s protection from those that would do their planet harm. It took only three months for this membership to be ratified and integration to begin, making human joining the quickest in history and making the species the tenth member of the alliance.


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