
Basic Information


The jamay are a bipedal upright two-armed avian species. In addition, as a bird-like species, they possess two wings on their backs, which are all more than large enough to allow full flight. Their plumage covers almost the entirety of their body, save for their beaks, their hands from the wrists down, and their feet from the ankles down. Naturally their feet and hands are covered in scales instead. Each of their digits end in sharp curved talons, but the ones on their fingers tend to be considerably shorter than the ones on their toes. Though the exact number of toes and design of their feet tends to vary between subspecies, their hands all possess exactly four digits. Three fingers and a thumb.   Jamay beaks tend to vary as well. With sharp relatively short pointed beaks being the most numerous, but curved beaks meant for ripping and rending featuring prominently in one subspecies. They have no visible ears, but instead ear canals hidden under the plumage on either side of the head. Their heads in general are perfectly rounded, but the exact styling of their feathers will usually hide this.   As avians and not mammals, jamay lack mammary glands of any kind, including fully formed breasts. Despite this, their chests have a natural swell to them, and they tend to be both long-legged and narrow-waisted. Giving most of their kind a physique other species would usually consider feminine. The reason for such light thin builds across all their genders and subspecies is the same reason that they support a unique bone structure among sapient species. Jamay bones are semi-hollow. Similar to avians of Earth who can fly thanks to having hollow bones, Jamay flight is aided supremely by both their thin trim body structure and less dense bones. They cannot support fully hollow bones at their size, but benefits are clearly still reaped. As unless something is wrong with the individual all Jamay are capable of flight from a young age. More notably, Jamay have proven to be swifter, more agile, and more enduring fliers than any other winged sapient species.

Psychological Characteristics

Reijwa: 292 UST years (160 Terran years) Jatonn: 223 UST years (122 Terran years) Rone: 212 UST years (120 Terran years)
Average Height
Reijwa: 1.86 valen (22.97 meters) (75.42 feet)   Jatonn: 1.75 valen (21.58 meters) (70.8 feet)   Rone: 1.58 valen (19.55 meters) (64.1 feet)
Average Weight
Reijwa: 65.39 kilofaarir (122.56 metric tons) (135.1 tons)   Jatonn: 70.19 kilofaarir (131.56 metric tons) (145 tons)   Rone: 60.06 kilofaarir (112.57 metric tons) (124 tons)


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