
Arkatian and Jahkatian Homeworld


Due to historical seperation, Arkatians make up around 84% of the northern hemisphere's population, while Jahkatians are around 86% of the southern hemisphere's population. After the reconstruction of the lowlands around the equator, the megalopolis and capital of the planet, Regea, was built in the planet's eastern hemisphere. The city has an almost even split in the Katian population, and is where most non-Katians will take residence due to the more favorable, if chilly, temperatures along the equator.


With the impressive strength and resilience of arkatians, the northern hemisphere is host to numerous cities carved directly into high mountains. Smaller settlements are arranged in terraces along the mountains, with yet more terraces making up the farmlands that help sustain local populations. Most of these settlements have expanded to larger, more modern appearing cities, but they each have their own 'old town' made up of stone homes and towers that date back thousands of years.   Jahkatian architecture has its own mountain cities, but the greater density of forests and less severe mountains lead to more of the population living on the surface in wooden structures. Some of these old wooden buildings still exist, but their impermanence meant the southern hemisphere has an all around more modernized appearance, albiet augmented by wooden decoration and accenting.   Regea, built on the flatter land of the equator, has the organized urban planning that the level surface allowed. It's the most modern of any city on the planet, and regularly constructs or replaces buildings as needed.


Katia is a predominantly mountainous planet with a cold climate. Vast seas and lakes pockmark the surface, trapped between mountain ranges, but no oceans divide landmasses. The largest summits can be found in the northern hemisphere, with Mount Mar'asala Oara reaching as high as 3,088 valen (38,076 meters, 124,921 feet). In the southern hemisphere lies the enormous Heahjor Sea, with the Lanla Archipelago, made up of 57 small islands - the peaks of submerged mountains. Katia's water covers only about 32% of the surface, but its seas reach depths exceeding 6,000 valen (73,986 meters, 242,736 feet).   The planet's equator, known as the Lowlands or the Heartlands, has a more temperate climate and vast plains that intersperse the mountain ranges. This historically made it the agricultural hotbed for the Katians, and still is, but the founding of Regea has ensured that the region sustains high cultural significance as well.

Natural Resources

Katia has an unusually high concentration of erestal within its countless mountains. However, Katia imports more erestal than it harvests, as to preserve its natural luster. The massive erestal caverns, most of them old mines from millennia ago, are now a common tourist attraction. Exposed quarries can be seen from orbit, generating blue glows that dot the planet's surface.


Majority Species

Arkatians, Jahkatians

Day Length

25.3 UST hours (31.2 Terran hours)

Year Length

431.6 UST Days (1.22 Terran years)

~6.5 billion
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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