
Basic Information


The kiori resemble squirrels found on Earth. They have a broad range of fur colors along with patterns. Their base colors may be gray, brown, dark brown, red, and in some cases, black. These colors may then be patterned with stripes, often of a dark color like brown, red or black, though they can be white as well. Furthermore, some kiori can have ‘socks’ on their limbs in the same range of colors as stripes. Typically, their fronts are a very light to creamy white, though red is a recessive trait.   Their eyes vary less than their fur, but are still fairly broad with brown, blue, green, hazel, gold, and even red as a recessive trait.   The kiori are most well known, physically, for their almost comically massive tails. Despite being so large, they do not drag behind them, but push up against their backs, though a kiori does have a fair amount of control over it. Most of the tail is all fur, making it extraordinarily soft. Tails play a large part in the species’ affections, with a kiori pair draping their tails across each other.   Another physical aspect that draws attention to them is how some kiori can have very long, pointed fur on their ears. This fur may stand straight up, at approximately the height of their entire head.   A less known physical trait is the species’ outstanding ability to climb. This is due in part to the very long and sturdy claws on their hands and paws, which allow them to sink into softer material and ascend at a staggering pace. The other aspect that aids them in this is a deceptively strong build. They are not a large species, only a meter or so larger than an ashar. But their dense musculatures offer them more strength for their size than any other species, with considerable durability to boot. It’s far from enough to outmatch a decently built larger alien, but it is enough for them to throw their bodies around with ease, and add lunges to their climbing.   These attributes also make them particularly nimble and agile opponents in combat. Coupled with their dangerous claws, the kiori are known for rending flesh at a frightening rate.   Kiori also have exceptionally stretchy cheeks, and are capable of depositing large items into them. While this is not often seen, it does play its part in jokes about kiori possessiveness.

Genetics and Reproduction

The gestation period for a kiori is approximately four months and often yields two to three offspring. Naturally, population control is a major factor for the species. Many kiori never raise families. Males and females are the only naturally healthy genders, however in-utero therapy permits the development of healthy hermaphrodites. Approximately three percent of kiori are hermaphroditic.

Civilization and Culture


The single most distinguishing psychological factor of this otherwise docile species is their uncanny possessiveness towards physical objects. Trading with a kiori for physical items can be a harrowing affair. Asking a kiori for a piece of gum could lead to a negotiation on receiving a button off your collar in return. They very clearly have an obsession over receiving at least a fair return on items they relinquish. For those unaware, they are likely to take advantage and try to make the trade favor themselves, such as getting two buttons for their piece of gum.   This is a social tick. After receiving the button(s) the kiori is likely to simply discard it, unless they actually needed buttons for whatever reason. This is how they demonstrate to others that they’re not easy to fool and take items from in a trade. By letting others know they are a strong trader, they then do not have to deal with someone else wasting time attempting an unfair trade from the start.   This desire for a favorable trade does not mean a kiori cannot be charitable. If you are friends with a kiori and ask them for a piece of their gum, then they are likely to simply hand it over. If you are not their friend, yet they still give a piece of gum, then it very likely means they wish to be your friend. Small gifts to strangers is a very common method for friendships among kiori to be first formed.   Kiori cherish physical items. Even a useless gift makes them happy, as it means you regarded them well enough to give them something they can hold and feel. Gifting is a significant aspect of their culture. Charity, when done out of no desire for a friendship, is guaranteed to be truly from the heart.   This possessive nature wanes when the item in question is not physical, however with modern kiori that has been changing.   As can be expected, despite this culture of gifting, they are still a culture focused around trading. If one haggles like a kiori, then it means they know how to get the best deal. If you are terrible at haggling and try it on a kiori merchant, there is a possibility the kiori merchant will try to get you to purchase your own hat, even if you have no hat. This is actually a grievous insult among kiori and it actually means ‘get out of my shop.’   Many kiori have small items, such as a pebble or medallion, that they keep on their persons at all times. When they are nervous, they will fondle these items, finding its familiarity to be reassuring.   The kiori were first discovered by a rynar exploration vessel. When the ship discovered a kiori mining operation on an asteroid belt in an otherwise mundane system, the rynar shared their first contact package. A ‘peaceful’ threat of how to not anger them and showing their claimed territories. They then promptly left, but as per a term on the only treaty active with the UTO at the time, the rynar reported the discovery to their rival.   The UTO dispatched a diplomatic vessel and quickly opened talks with the kiori. These talks were at first very friendly and the kiori expressed much interest in joining. However, when it came to discuss how currency was handled, the species suddenly rejected the offer and didn’t even open trade relations. This is because the UTO used an electronic currency system, while the kiori, much to the surprise of the other species, still used an almost fully physical system with coins and paper currency. The kiori deemed their economy incompatible with aliens, and the only deals they accepted were cultural exchanges.   It took the kiori 131 years to transition to a more digital system using devices, called ‘credit discs.’ These devices sole purpose was to be loaded with currency just like a debit card, yet were palm size just so a kiori could be comfortable with its physical presence. By this time, the kiori were envious of trade opportunities the UTO offered and approached the Union with an offer to open trade if they allowed the use of these credit discs. All it took to read these discs was a very simple yutri program, so the UTO countered with another offer: they would utilize these credit discs and even implement them into their internal economy if the kiori became members.   The kiori quickly accepted this offer, and credit discs, completely separate from yurtris, became a part of the economy and an option to all. Though almost solely kiori favor them to this day. The kiori became the ninth member species of the UTO, joining a mere thirty two years before humanity did the same.
Home System: Kwen-Kwen
Homeworld: Kwen
102 years (earth)
Average Height
1.4 valen (17.32m) (56.83 ft)
Average Weight
42.888 kilofaarir (80.39 metric tons) (88.61 tons)


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