Rynar Collective

Yeah so this is a big WIP, I guess. A tentative idea for the Rynar Collective and how they operate. Needs a good bit more material, but it's something to build off of.   The nature of the Rynar allows them a deeply ingrained cultural instinct towards cooperation for the greater good of the Collective. Their political system, if used by any other species, would almost certainly rapidly fall to corruption. But, this innate cooperation within the species have allowed them a unique, utopian like society built around self-sacrifice to ensure the whole, and everyone else, may prosper.   However, it comes with a deeply ingrained tribal nature. The Collective is incredibly politically stable, not having seen any internal struggle for millennia up until the Kinskaid secession from the Collective, but towards outsiders they maintain a staunch policy of distrust and force. They are difficult to maintain diplomatic relationships with, as typical Rynar diplomacy follows an ideal of isolationism up until somebody has what they want.


The Collective functions as an oligarchy with a system of meritocracy, but with an emperor or empress at the top of the hierarchy. The emperor holds supreme power - as long as their counsel believes they continue to operate with the Collective's best interests in mind. The Collective Counsel function as the Emperor's advisors, and carry out their leader's decrees, or enact their own when the Emperor decides to hand certain matters over to their counselors with the belief that their expertise is best suited for final decree.  


The emperor is chosen from the 'Susryna' royal broodline, which like other government based broodlines, is permitted to raise their clutches without the regular population controls of destroying eggs. This is to ensure the maximum candidates available for whenever the emperor may need to be replaced - whether due to death or decree by the counsel, who will then choose the new emperor from the of age Susryna.   In anticipation of potentially being the emperor one day, all Susryna lead lives of political study, ranging everywhere from law and economics to diplomacy and war. All Susryna are expected to take governor positions throughout the Collective, where they will gain active political experience, and study beneath their own counselors all facets of policy, and take on numerous apprenticeships in various professions to ensure some level of familiarity with life beyond politics. Susryna see little leisure in their lives if they decide to dedicate themselves to the expectations of the royal broodline. Those that do not take to it may join another broodline to find a new profession, but they will be sterilized as all crossovers into new bloodlines are. Otherwise, a Susryna may decide to remain a Governor for life, having decided they do not fit the requirements to be the Emperor.   This leaves Susryna that have only shown dedication to the office of governance, ensuring only the best options available to the Collective Counsel when it is time to choose a new Emperor. Once chosen, the Emperor never ceases their studies beneath their counselors, but is no longer expected to apprentice into other fields of labor, as they are finally allotted leisure time to pursue a hobby or alternative study.   The Emperor has supreme authority in the Collective, and functions as the ultimate decider in the Counsel's discourses. They may propose their own policies, but more often they dictate how the Collective expands its territories, faces other species, and other matters that affect the course of the Collective's ultimate future. During any of these policy decisions, the Emperor is expected to understand each of the Counselor's respective fields, and to tap into their deeper expertise for anything needed to reach decisions on policy. An emperor that acts with very little counsel will likely not last long before the counsel votes to have them deposed by unanimous decision.  

The Collective Counsel

There are seven counselors, each one from their own respective broodlines. They are raised and taught much like the Susryna, but specialize deeply into their broodline's respective fields. They all worked in careers related to their fields before they became a Counselor, before they were chosen by their predecessor. Counselors have their own lower advisors, again from their broodlines, that have chosen to forgo eligbility to be a future counselor in favor of pursuing a more focused area of expertise, such as the Counselor of the Military having an Advisor of the Fleets, or the Counselor of the Economy's Advisor of Outsider Trade.   The Emperor can not have any of the Counselors replaced, arrested, executed, or otherwise removed from office on their will alone. The Emperor would need unanimous support from the other Counselors to do so, just as they need the unanimous support to have the Emperor removed.   The counselor positions and their broodlines are as follows:  
Counselor of the Military - Kasslia Broodline
Counselor of the Economy - Rahshahksha Broodline
Counselor of Agriculture - Taranya Broodline
Counselor of Resources - Oorashna Broodline
Counselor of Industry - Linskeidiash Broodline
Counselor of Education - Amashala Broodline
Counselor of Expansion - Hasslash Broodline   There exists no counselor for diplomacy or interstellar affairs, as the Rynar believe no outside faction would act in the Collective's interests. Diplomatic affairs typically fall into the Military Counselor's jurisdiction, as force is believed to be the best method for forcing outsiders into accepting the Collective's self-interests. The Economy Counselor may take over matters of interstellar trade after the Military Counselor believes the outsider has been sufficiently intimidated.  

Governors and Governance Counsels

Governors are made up of the Susryna broodline, and each one has control of only a single star system. They function much like the Emperor in that they have their Governance Counsels made up of the same broodlines, and are chosen in a similar way. A counsel for a newly colonized system is chosen by the Collective Counsel, and the new Governance Counsel then chooses the new Governor from among any Susryna, requiring a unanimous decision.   The Governor dictates matters within their systems, so long as they do not interfere with decisions from the Emperor, allowing them autonomy. The Governance Counsels report to the Collective Counsel, but the Emperor or the Collective Counsel rarely interfere in local affairs, as they maintain confidence in that the Governor knows best for their system.

Public Agenda

The Collective functions entirely to keep its citizens safe, leading fulfilling lives, and to ensure the Collective as a whole only grows in strength, never weakens. They will not allow outsiders to weaken them, and will maintain an ever aggressive stance, only ever backing down if continuation of aggression would clearly lead to defeat. All conflict must have a purpose toward bettering the Collective. Violence with no purpose brings an ultimate shame to the Collective, and will never be tolerated.
Founding Date
-4109 UST (2319 BCE)
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Rynar, The Collective
Government System


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