Union Standard Time

The United Treaty Organization uses a standardized format of time to record dates and daily times. No matter where one finds themselves in the cosmos, Union Standard Time remains the same. The universality of UST has lead to it becoming a galactic standard, being used by all non-member species. They may have their own time systems for space, but for interacting with other species, UST is used and universally recognized. It is not based on any particular planetary time.  


  UST Scale
100 seconds = 1 minute
50 minutes = 1 hour
20 hours = 1 day
50 days = 1 quarter
4 quarters = 1 year     UST : Earth Time
1 second : .89 seconds
1 minute : 89 seconds
1 hour : 74 minutes
1 day : 25 hours
1 year : 206 days  


UST dating uses a system of 4 quarters, with 50 days for each quarter. There are no months, weeks, or names to days, as it is a purely numerical system. Dates are arranged in a day.quarter.year format.   For example: 15.3.981 is the 15th day of the third quarter of the 981st year.   1.1.1 marks the formation of the UTO and the adoption of the UST system. It does not start at year zero.   To distinguish years from other dating systems, a year may be labelled as UE, for Union Era.  

Planetary Time

Planets in UTO space follow the UST pattern of 20 hour long days, 50 minute long hours, and 100 seconds long minutes in their planetary times, but the length of a second will vary depending on the planet's rotation. This is known as '(Planet's Name) Standard Time.' Local times are not normally used, meaning there is no consistent afternoon, noon, midnight, or such identifiers on a planet's clock. 10:30 may be the middle of the night in one location, and midday at another.   The planetary time is normally established at a planet's first colony, with '00:00' being shortly before dawn. This part of the planet is almost always where the most populated part of a planet develops regardless of the first colony's success.
Convert Earth Year to UST Year

x = Earth year
y = UST year

(x - 1341) * 365 / 206 = y

  Convert UST Year to Earth Year

x = UST year
y = Earth year

206(x) / 365 + 1341 = y


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