
Basic Information


The viliti are a mammalian species that can be closely compared to rabbits found on Earth. Their fur colorations are not particularly broad. They’re normally brown, gray, or tawny. Dominantly, or purely black and white coats are a recessive trait, though white or black being splashed into their coats is very normal, and often is found on their fronts. Black or white can also be found can be anywhere from patterns on their muzzles to the tips of their ears and paws. A mix between the two colors is also possible.   Their eyes are most often brown or a very dark blue. Lighter blue and green are recessive traits.   The species maintains a connection with their earthly kin in that they are well known for their powerful lower limbs. Even when untrained, a viliti’s legs are normally thick with muscle. It makes them very fast runners and leapers, capable of jumping their body height. With practice, their jump height may even be doubled. Viliti often fight with their legs, as well, favoring techniques made up of heavy, bone rattling kicks that may mix with their propensity for leaping. Even someone like a tall arkatian has to worry about a viliti paw smashing into the side of their head from a leaping kick.   They have claws on all of their digits, meaning raking claws in their kicks are also a common factor. They are digitigrade, though unlike rabbits on earth they have pads on their paws.

Genetics and Reproduction

The species’ gestation time is approximately four months long. A healthy viliti can birth up to three offspring with relative ease, though two is the norm. In-utero therapy permits fully functional hermaphrodites where otherwise intersex fetuses would continue to have complications. As many as twelve percent of viliti are hermaphroditic.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The viliti have the best hearing out of any known intelligent species. Often, their long ears are folded back while relaxed, diminishing their capabilities. However, when upright they can easily hear sounds that any other species would miss. Their sense of smell is similar to that of the tordenchi and ashar, in that it is sensitive in detecting distant scents, but they lack the honed olfactory senses that predator species use to distinguish individual scents.

Civilization and Culture


The species is well known for their excitability. Naturally, any species can be excited over anything, but for the viliti it has a more profound effect on their emotions. Good emotions, from the simple pleasure of a good meal to earning a promotion, all contribute to a growing state of hyperactivity. Essentially, the happier a viliti is, the bouncier they get. They often use breathing exercises, physical exercise, or mental contemplation to keep themselves in check and thus fit in with other species perfectly well. However, among friends or at home with no one to disturb, they happily let themselves go. For those living with a viliti, it is not an unusual sight to come home to find the viliti bouncing and dancing on the living room sofa because of a good round in a video game.   For many, this paints the viliti as ‘adorable’ due to their consistently bubbly nature. It does, however, also cause a stereotype that the species can’t take anything seriously. This is very untrue. While a viliti may get overly excited, it is in fact a simple matter of controlling themselves. For those that understand them properly, they would see that the viliti know very well when to control themselves. They may be a normal, productive and possibly even dull office worker through the day, but a singing diva that evening as they prance around their home, shrieking into their yutri.   The viliti were first discovered when one of their interstellar exploration probes was found in the unexplored system of Anarshen by the joint exploration vessel Wandering Sight. The probe was inactive, and appeared to have malfunctioned. Soon it was brought aboard the ship, repaired, analyzed, and a first contact package uploaded to it. The probe was then sent on its way, where it continued its mission of analyzing the system before returning to its creators.   A small outpost was set up in the system. Its sole mission; to wait and see if the owners of the probe would come and investigate. It took a little over a year, but finally an alien vessel appeared in the system and a dialogue opened between it and the outpost.   Relations were immediately friendly, with the neishor continuing their new trend of being welcoming. However, it turned out to be too friendly. For the viliti, diplomatic meetings with friends means a party is a requirement. The viliti diplomats and even their guards didn’t control their excitement and the UTO diplomats left, describing it all as something akin to a bunch of drunk college students during the fourth quarter holidays. Even for the lupari, this lack of control left a bad impression.   For the viliti, this sudden departure from what was still a diplomatic meeting despite the antics genuinely soured this new relationship. Quitting a diplomatic party was seen as a declaration of betrayal. While it acknowledged that this was merely a cultural misunderstanding, the viliti ended up perceiving the UTO as too uptight and inflexible for something as closely united as this alliance. For the UTO, there was a growing perception that viliti would sow havoc in society, simply due to a culture that couldn’t take anything seriously.   It took fifty-three years for both cultures to understand that their perceptions were false. Through those years, the UTO used a technique similar to what they did with the neishor. Drawing the viliti closer through trade, cultural exchange, and cooperation. With those two factors, the viliti finally became the seventh member of the alliance.
Home System: Yinsike
Homeworld: Vileti
111 years
Average Height
Average Height: 1.5 valen (18.56m) (60.89 ft)
Average Weight
Average Weight: 47.7 kilofaarir (89.41 metric tons) (98.56 tons)


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