Gunfus Condition in Utopia | World Anvil
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Top image: Green polypore, photo by Yevgeny Nyden.
Created by a massive infection into the skin of a person, Gunfus is an illness in which spores of the Gunfa end up into the regenerated tissue, within the body of the affected person, and starts to grow small, green funghi in the person's muscles. By the end, the person ends up dying by spores going through its blood into its brain, which when growing, squish the brain of the patient, very slowly, and basically generating mental illnesses such as amnesia, loss of recent memory, and eventually, dementia.  


Offensive in the wilderness, the plant is a small mushroom-alike fungi of fern found on North-eastern Mediterranean forests, overall, in Yudonia, west Greece, Albania, Eastern Italy, and Montenegro.

Transmission & Vectors

Air. During summer the plant releases its spores into the air, some of which might end up attaching to a person's injury, starting its breeding.


The first week after infection has no noticeable symptoms, as the spores are just multiplying on muscle tissue. A bit of seasickness or sleepiness might appear.   From days 8 to 12 the fungi starts to appear. The skin of the infected zone turns lightly into a greenish color. Most times it is confused with post-traumatic inflammatory tissue, but in reality, small fungi are starting to grow within the muscle.   From day 13 new symptoms appear: Fever, Numbness and swelling of affected zone, and sleepiness. If not detected now, the ilness could progress into the lose of a limb or even a life-threatening illness.   If the illness reaches a month without being diagnosed, fungi will start to appear on the affected area, breaking the skin and appearing on the surface of the body. If grown enough, a single fungi can start to produce its own spores and contaminate the entire bloodstream torrent eventually having multiple outbreaks of the illness all around the body. When one of these ends on the brain, there is nothing to do. The spore will grow for around a month, slowly squishing the patient's brain an generating mental illnesses such as amnesia, memory loss, dementia, equilibrium lose, and long-term memory loss too,


The infected area must be opened and all infected issue must be removed. Once a single fungi reaches maturity and is able to produce spores, there is very little possible things to do to try to save the patients life. By this moment the only cure is eutanasia or a miracle.

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