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Captain Byeese

The former commanding officer of The Foo Fighters. A Dragonborn driven by ideals of supremacy, he favoured brutality as a strategy above all else. This rubbed many of the elders of Draconheim the wrong way, and soon found his position in jeopardy. By chance he clashed with a rogue Yuan-ti during a scouting mission, with whom he sensed a strange kinship. He let the Yuan-ti go and began a correspondence with the stronghold of Uxmal in Azkazan. After sending some of his blood, they determined that he was in fact half Yuan-ti, which explained his temperament.   Eventually Lieutenant Nim Nim Jeffords (also of the Foo FIghters) caught wind of Byeese's correspondence, and began to question and gather evidence on him. Before Nim Nim could deduce everything, Byeese sent the Foo Fighters on a suicide mission against the Half-Orcs of MhurrenLandt, wiping most of them out. He then set off to Azkazan to become his truest self, become a fierce general of Yuan-ti, and later being put forward to broker a truce with The Knights of Sha.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black scales
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